Thursday, June 11, 2020


It's possible for each person to realize their authenticity and become true to themselves in who they are and all that they do
It's also possible for us to be influenced by others, perhaps even those we admire and love and become false to ourselves.  
It may seem to be okay because we admire the good qualities in another person and so we want to be like them.
It's not so easy to avoid doing this because we learn so much from others and especially those we love and care about and yet, to be authentic is our calling.
Authenticity is the door to grace and inspiration.
By all means, learn from those who show us how to be a better and more loving self, yet follow the path of grace and be inspired by God to be true to the person that He has created.
In the spiritual world, we have the wonderful example of St. Francis of Assisi showing us the road to a life of Poverty and then, St. Dominic who shows us a life dedicated to Preaching the Gospel.
Their lives will always be an inspiration to read about and yet, I must be me!

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