Thursday, April 2, 2009


Lately, I find myself in conversation quite a lot. I realise how important this is, to communicate with others; to talk / chat etc. Even little throw-aways can be important in filling the gap between my thoughts and the thoughts of others. I get to know them and they get to know me.

And yet, there is a definite important in the value of silence. Sometimes, the gap between words says more than the words themselves. People communicate also by what they don't say.

The thought occured to me that communication between one person and another can be like a dance. I speak / they speak. I listen / they listen. The movements are created as if two souls are dancing together, and the moments when there is a pause is as significent as when there is movement. When the dance is ended, silence takes over for awhile before a new dance begins.

In the mystical-sense, our souls are communicating with God in each other. Sometimes God is more present in one person and so they 'lead'. Then there is a lull and the other person takes the lead. This is how the language of the soul is developed, often most in the moments of silence.

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