Thursday, January 1, 2009


The beauty of a New Year gives us an opportunity to make a fresh start.

We are still the same person we were yesterday, yet somehow our spirit is aware of new happenings when we step into the New Year.

Maybe it's similar to going to Confession. We don't suddenly become a perfectly good person, Yet the very act of confessing our sins helps us to let go of them and make a fresh start.

No miracles have to happen. We just need good will, and for our own sake, we have a need to make a statement about the changes we wish to make.

Let's write down our heart-felt good intentions,, and read them each day. This way we form a good pattern. We visualise ourselves as a good person with good will.

This is all God asks of us, our good will. Our good actions will follow.

So, today, feel good and make a fresh start to this New Year 2009!

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