Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The value of good company is only realised when we find ourselves in need of another person, someone with whom we can share our ideals and aspirations.
Of course, it is good to enjoy our own company. This is important because we can then learn to know ourselves and appreciate our own uniqueness.

A person of Faith knows and believes that God has created each one of us with special love and individuality. Therefore it is important that we value this quality of uniqueness and do not try to copy someone else. Who wants to be a 'copy-cat'? However and whatever we do, it will have our individual stamp upon it, and this is as it should be.

Yet, there are times when we can learn so much from others. Just being in the company of another person adds to our personality, for better or worse. We owe it to ourselves to choose to be in good company.

We don't have to be a rocket-scientist to know the difference between good and bad company. So, let's do ourselves a big favour and choose wisely the company we keep.

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