Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Each day affords us opportunities to change / to learn new ways / to develop our relationships. We are presented with so many invitations and we either respond to them, or 'miss the boat'.

Opportunities come to us in various ways - through friends who make us aware of who we are and where we are, as a person. We either move towards love, or away from it.

God knocks on our door, many times. We might be aware of His Presence or we may not. Often we can be wrapped up in our own desires so that nothing and nobody reaches us.

This is a sad state of affairs, yet can be redeemed simply by changing the way we look at life. Either we are receiving opportunites to grow and develop as a loving person OR we are a victim of circumstances and so life is viewed as difficult.

An opportunity to love, responded to, will last forever. Un-ending. Such a wonderful thought. There is no limit to Love.

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