Wednesday, September 2, 2009


We live in a world that admires and applauds strength. It's in our very survival system to aim at being strong and invincible, or so it seems.

Yet reality can be so different. The truth is that all of us are weak, in some way or other, perhaps not by choice, yet definitely by nature.

I am not perfect. You are not perfect. We are imperfect creatures, aiming at perfection. It is this interest and willingness to give all we have and do the best we can that makes us human, and also lovable.

If I can face my need to be weak / my need for weakness, then I will be able to love and reach a state of perfection in loving.

This is what life is all about. This is God's plan for each one of us, to perfect our ability to be a loving, compassionate and caring person.

So, how do I come to grips with my need for weakness?

The simple answer is to love / to face my need for love, and despite failures, continue to love.

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