Thursday, May 6, 2021


 The word RESILIENCE means to 'jump back', to recover quickly from trouble or illness; a good word for us coming away from our pandemic world of fear and worry and uncertainty of what the future has to offer.

We can be like children, looking for comfort in the freedom we hope to have.  Most of us will enjoy the simple pleasures of meeting up with friends and the luxury of sitting down to share a coffee and a chat.

For myself, a trip to Glendalough was a pure delight. We were blessed with sunshine, The place was filled with families, enjoying the monastic city as if it was a giant playground!

This was a great example for me to see how resilient families with small children have adapted to a new way of life.  The place was a 'picnic' haven with most people using the picnic benches and tables, and others relaxing on the grass with plenty of room to have their family 'bubble' and still meet friends in an atmosphere of playful enjoyment.

I enjoyed the board walk which led down to God's Cottage where one can enjoy quiet meditation in the little Chapel, and buy cards and books in the shop. Such a good lesson to see how simple life can be, with the addition of a takeway coffee or ice-cream!

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