Thursday, April 22, 2021


 The most important treasure we can possess is Inner Peace. 

This is a challenge because we can so easily lose our sense of peace and wellbeing, sometimes through no fault of our own;  sometimes the fault is definitely ours.

There is a story of a painting that was discarded and put up into an attic. It just didn't blend in with the Library room where it had been hanging for years, so the younger generation who took over this fine house, put the painting out of sight.  

Later on, the attic itself needed a good clean out and the painting was found. One member of the family liked it and so it became their possession. It turned out to be famous, and worth millions.  (Can you guess?)

Our inner peace can be like that. If it is not prized as the gift it is, we can lose it and forget how valuable our inner peace truly is, a treasure that money could never buy.

The person who values Inner Peace will be rewarded with Wisdom and Knowledge of the finer and more subtle gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Without even knowing it, they will be guided through life with a profound awareness of the Presence of God. They will become God-like.  With Humility they will guard this Gift forever.



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