Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Today, being the feast of the Holy Innocents, is a good day to reflect on what desolation is all about.

When we lose someone we lose, we can be desolate. Grief fills the void where love existed.

When we lose our self-esteem, the lose can be almost as much. There is a grieving taking place within our hearts. Joy has evaporated and we can be left with feelings of desolation.

Often, times like this take place when we are vulnerable. We may be sick or suffering the loss of the good opinion of another person.

The strong-minded person will say, 'blow' it away. It's only a feeling.

And yet, what is life made up of if not feelings?

Without vulnerability we may never learn the depths of love. We could easily remain as a 'hard shell', someone with an outer cover that no one can penetrate.

So, feelings of desolation can be a certain kind of gift. God is stepping into our lives and teaching us how to be inwardly strong.

The person who can withstand pain and still turn to God and believe that they are loved, this person is indeed open to the Grace of God.

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