We are coming to the end of the Year 2024 and hopefully ready to embrace ALL that is NEW!
Of course, Christmas is yet to be and is the very best of all that can be NEW. We begin a new chapter in our lives, a new awareness of what is best in life, LOVE of course and a relationship with our Creator, GOD.
As we develop and grow older, maybe not wiser, yet we know that in many ways we have failed to respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Self gets in the way of progress. We become like an old person who can no longer hear properly.
Not only our hearing / also our mind is dulled by our attachments to so many habits and things of no real importance, except to our distracted mind.
So how can we REJOICE? We may even feel discouraged, yet do not worry. Remember we have God with us, and are loved by this Creator of all. Imagine, the reality of being loved by God!
Rejoice and be happy to be less and allow God to be more a part of who we are. Rejoice, rejoice and all is well!
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