Saturday, November 9, 2024



Becoming child-like is both easy and difficult.  It's easy to become child-like when we behave with innocence and a heart full of gratitude. We become entrawled with living and loving and caring and giving.

Nothing is too big a sacrifice when we are able to act in a child-like manner, whereas when we are not child-like, we become suspicious and officious and full of regard for ourselves.  Our World rotates around ourselves and our likes and dislikes.

The Spirit of Christmas is built around a Child, born in a stable in Bethlehem, many years ago.  The baby's mother is a young woman, called Mary, who has been asked to bear a son and call Him Jesus.  They are accompanied by Joseph to whom Mary is betrothed.

This baby is the Christ, Jesus, who will save us and all the World from evil and the wicked designs of the devil. In a way, Jesus is born to save us from ourselves. We are good people, yet easily swayed to do evil and lead selfish and wicked lives.

How can we be saved?  What will protect us from evil influences and ways that will rob us of our innocence?  How can we become child-like? 

What seems impossible can be made possible when we learn about how much God loves us, giving His only Son to make reparation for our lack of love.

By reading the life of Christ and taking Him as our Mentor and Savior we can and will learn how to be innocent and Child-Like.  Just imagine, we are made in the Image and Likeness of God.  

We come into the World as a Child, and God willing we can leave this World with the innocence of a Child by our response to Love!

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