Thursday, December 26, 2024



'Action speaks louder than words...'

A strange beginning for a writer, yet so true. I can spend my life dreaming, yet only my actions will bear good results.  Sometimes, perhaps during the night, I wake up with a good thought, perhaps a poem or a story line.

Yes, lovely thought, yet if I don't have pen and paper handy and am able to write it down immediately, it may well be lost forever. This is a good way to learn about the value of living in the present moment.  

When one is relaxed and open to being inspired, gems of great value are free to come. The critic is asleep and the 'child within' is eager and willing to respond. Of course the practical side of having paper and pen ready is important. 

For myself, it can be hard to act in the moment and respond to inspiration, yet I have so many proofs of the benefit of doing so  Some people talk about writers block, I would encourage Action!  

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


We are coming to the end of the Year 2024 and hopefully ready to embrace ALL that is NEW!

Of course, Christmas is yet to be and is the very best of all that can be NEW.     We begin a new chapter in our lives, a new awareness of what is best in life, LOVE of course and a relationship with our Creator,  GOD.

As we develop and grow older, maybe not wiser, yet we know that in many ways we have failed to respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.  Self gets in the way of progress.  We become like an old person who can no longer hear properly.

Not only our hearing / also our mind is dulled by our attachments to so many habits and things of no real importance, except to our distracted mind.

So how can we REJOICE? We may even feel discouraged, yet do not worry. Remember we have God with us, and are loved by this Creator of all.  Imagine, the reality of being loved by God!

Rejoice and be happy to be less and allow God to be more a part of who we are. Rejoice, rejoice and all is well!

Saturday, November 9, 2024



Becoming child-like is both easy and difficult.  It's easy to become child-like when we behave with innocence and a heart full of gratitude. We become entrawled with living and loving and caring and giving.

Nothing is too big a sacrifice when we are able to act in a child-like manner, whereas when we are not child-like, we become suspicious and officious and full of regard for ourselves.  Our World rotates around ourselves and our likes and dislikes.

The Spirit of Christmas is built around a Child, born in a stable in Bethlehem, many years ago.  The baby's mother is a young woman, called Mary, who has been asked to bear a son and call Him Jesus.  They are accompanied by Joseph to whom Mary is betrothed.

This baby is the Christ, Jesus, who will save us and all the World from evil and the wicked designs of the devil. In a way, Jesus is born to save us from ourselves. We are good people, yet easily swayed to do evil and lead selfish and wicked lives.

How can we be saved?  What will protect us from evil influences and ways that will rob us of our innocence?  How can we become child-like? 

What seems impossible can be made possible when we learn about how much God loves us, giving His only Son to make reparation for our lack of love.

By reading the life of Christ and taking Him as our Mentor and Savior we can and will learn how to be innocent and Child-Like.  Just imagine, we are made in the Image and Likeness of God.  

We come into the World as a Child, and God willing we can leave this World with the innocence of a Child by our response to Love!

Thursday, October 31, 2024


 The word ENTERPRISE can be daunting,  yet to reflect for a moment and apply the word to a person makes it real and easy to understand. For example, my brother has a carer who visits him most days. He is a retired teacher who spends most of his time reading and writing poetry - he lives alone.

His need for a carer came about when it was almost impossible to gain access to his house /his home, not just because of medical needs, but because of his attachment to books etc. Such a shame. He would say people don't call, yet difficulty for entry made it un-inviting, and a good reason for not visiting.

Then Noeleen came along, a good carer with respect and admiration for his ability to write poetry, and even patience to listen to him.  He welcomed her visits and began to take her advice, especially about decluttering.  Perhaps, some of his precious books could be donated to a Library?  Old clothes could be replaced, making it easier to accept invitations to go out when possible, to visit family.
When I paid a visit,  I was so surprised to find a chair to sit on, and a table with room for a cup and biscuit, as long as I was careful not to spill.

Wow!  Perhaps being enterprising is simply about finding the correct way to deal with situations that come our way!


For some, Gratitude is the key to sanity.  When one is aware of a need to be grateful, then virtue becomes more important than ego.

I find for myself, a humbling and peaceful awareness when I respond to a need for gratitude.  The opposite happens when I forget to be grateful and take things and people for granted.

Sometimes, children can show us how to become aware of our need to be a grateful person. Children are truly themselves, good and bold, whatever the occasion might be.  Awhile ago, my sister was chatting on the phone to her grandson. He was very young and pleased to chat with her.  'Nana, will you have a present for me when you come?'  My sister wanted to break the habit of always giving presents, so said no!  There was a moment of silence, then he said, 'I want to talk to my other nana!'

We can be like that at times.  We have friends whom we like to be with, yet if and when they might hurt us with a refusal of some kind, then we may want to be with another friend instead. However, if one is grateful for the very gift of friendship, then one will learn to respond with kindness and forgiveness, especially when the ego is hurt.

The practise of Gratitude is a wonderful Teacher to guide us in building up the gift of true friendships. 

Monday, September 2, 2024


 Having a Positive Vision of ourselves is a great therapy in being happy with who we are, regardless of certain faults and failings we might believe we have.

Certain situations and circumstances may reveal our shortcomings, and so we can forget the value of being human and vulnerable.  These are the very qualities that allow others to love us.

A Positive Vision teaches us to become compassionate towards others, and also to be compassionate in regard to ourselves too.  We learn to see the wonderful side of human nature, where love is welcomed and appreciated.

Perhaps Nature is a way of reaffirming this truth. The flowers bloom and add colour and beauty to our World, and yet they must fade away, leaving us with the austere beauty of winter.

So, one could say, a Positive Vision is essential if we are to develop as a loving person, able and willing to welcome love into our lives.

Friday, July 19, 2024



The word, LIBERTY may not be so easily used today, yet is so much a part of our history. Looking back on historic occasions, we hear the cry of Liberty!

Nowadays, Freedom is more commonly used, and we can be precious about our need and right to be free.  Of course, there will be times when even our sense of freedom will be misunderstood or even ignored. What can we do then, I wonder?

Perhaps, coming back to our regard for Liberty and an awareness of how precious and wonderful it is to be liberated, we can forget the importance of always having a high standard in our lives.

Liberty teaches us how to value the gift of life, and especially the knowledge that being liberated means having the freedom to love. 

Life is a wonderful gift to have and cherish and even more especially to garnish with a desire and energy for putting love into all we do. 

Sunday, June 30, 2024



To be at peace with oneself is a wonderful state of mind.  The World may seem to fall apart, yet Peace of Mind takes prominence, then all is well.

Awhile ago, I caught a bad cold, followed with a loss of appetite.  Immediately I thought of Covid and side effects related to it.  However, I tested negative which was a relief to me, living in community with others etc.

A doctor's visit prompted me to find reassurance that I was not 'on the way out' , just one of many with symptoms of influenza.  The best cure was found with hot drinks and plenty of rest, allowing the body to heal itself. 

This proved to be a wonderful lesson for me,  to realise the effect of stress when one worries instead of keeping the mind at peace.  I was reminded of a  special saint of old, Teresa of Avila, who had a great saying... 'This too will pass.  Peace of Mind prevails!'

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


A life of Adventure is always enjoyable.  It could be travelling to somewhere new, presenting us with the challenge of doing new things / new experiences, taking us away from the mundane happenings in our lives.

Or, it could be something simple, meeting an old friend/ playing a game of cards, or learning a new language or skill. Whatever is new to us will become an invitation, a chance to be adventurous. 

So many things can be presented to us, and if we have this spirit of adventure we will respond positively.  We may be afraid of failing, or not being able to do something, yet this is a chance to step forward, willing and able to become more than we are at present.  

Ignore whatever feelings of fear that may come to mind. We are being invited to become a better and more able person, so let's step up to the mark and embrace a life of adventure!

Monday, April 22, 2024


A person of Dignity is a friend worth having because they help us to be true to ourselves, and become dignified in all we do and say, fulfilling our aims at becoming a truly balanced person.

Of course, we know how flawed and imperfect human nature can be, and often is, yet in spite of our failings we have the grace and ability to become a loving and caring person.

A lot depends on our values in life, and how and what we value because this gives us our motivation in life, and leads us on to better ourselves, regardless of how many faults and weaknesses we possess.

For some, growing up in a certain environment has imprinted on them standards and values that will help to move them forward in life, able and willing to become an even better person. 

Just like the seeds in a garden, if the soil is of good quality and the gardeners have a love for the work they do, watering the plants and separating them from weeds and whatever else might effect their growth and development, the seeds will blossom into a natural beauty, adding pleasure to all who see them.

Each of us have a chance and a choice to be in the company of the Gardener who knows how to love and develop all that pertains to His work. In this way, we will become beautiful in the eyes of the World!


Friday, March 29, 2024


 We live in a great World where almost anything and everything is possible, even the idea of living on another Planet, however I love this wonderful place we call Earth!

There is so much to be found; the seasons offer us a magnificent display of natural beauty in winter / spring/ summer/ autumn, delighting us with such diversity of colour and places to visit whenever we can.

Of course, there are so many imperfections to be found, if one is occupied with faultfinding;  so many disasters take place; earthquakes / tsunamies / volcanoes erupting etc. Some programs on uTube delight in showing the horrors of the Earth's faults which could well cause us to wonder...  Why?

Perhaps, more importantly we need to address the lack of caring which seems to be present today.  We want to be loving and caring people, yet are we? Has something happened to us, causing us to care less?

These are questions I often ask myself lately. What kind of a person am I? Do I really have compassion for those who are afflicted by disasters?  

Perhaps, the Earth is reflecting the lack of compassion in our World, and this could well be causing the many happenings that we feel should not be, yet are. 

So, is it my fault that this beautiful World of ours is weeping and displaying such stressful examples of how disturbed it is. A gardener once told me that her garden reflects how she feels, and when she is absorbed happily caring for the flowers and plants, they somehow respond to her love.

I wonder, could this be a way of learning how to love,  by respecting and loving  Mother Earth!

Sunday, February 25, 2024


 Look Forward is a great way to be positive to all the many new happenings in our lives. We may like to remain as we are, happy with what we have, yet it doesn't work!

Looking forward to new happenings, even if it means being fearful, or anxious or whatever spikes our life, can always be the best way to deal with change. Life does not remain static. We are in the flow of change and by embracing whatever is New, will give us the positive energy to enjoy life.

We used to have an automatic car which I loved. However, change happens and I found myself back to re-learning how to use manual gears. To some people this would only be a matter of practise, yet for me it seemed the end of my ability to drive, I was terrified.  Somehow, I felt unable to change...

Could I?  Would I? Will I?  With a little encouragement from friends, and time spent practising, I realised that by being willing to learn, change happens and one can move on with life, and look forward when new changes happen, and they will!

Sunday, January 14, 2024


 'Joy so lies in the doing... ' a good quote from Shakesphere, so I believe, full of wisdom and honesty.  When one is able to do exactly what one is meant to do, then Joy will be the reward.

We love to feel joyful and enjoy all that we do, and how we are and who we are, yet life is not that simple.  Feelings can be deceiving and may eventually lead us astray.

Of course, we receive so many moments of joy in our lives, a mother with her children / a job well done / a love coming straight from the heart.  Oh yes, life is full of moments of joy and if we have any sense at all, we will seek them out and be Joyful!

True Joy is found in our belief system. When I truly believe that who I am and what I am doing is correct, especially in the Eyes of God, then I am filled with Joy.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

THERAPY through Writing, creatively

Therapy through Writing Creatively can be a great means of avoiding stress and worry which seems to be a huge problem, especially in Today's World.

Problem solving comes about when we realise that most difficulties are created in the Mind which blocks our ability to move forward and focus on solving whatever difficulties we are faced with.  The answer can be a simple one, to apply pen to paper and write creatively about whatever is disturbing our peace of mind.

Creative writing lends awareness to the workings of the Mind, especially our imagination, which often allows us to become fearful instead of mindful. If we imagine our Mind to be a powerful machine which responds to whatever information we put into it, then we can examine and give thoughtful and meaningful time to all that is going on inside this wonderful creative machine, our Mind.

This is where careful examination and a lot of good common sense will guide us to a more Positive Mindset.  Now we are free to use our imagination creatively, and become the writer we desire to be.  

The following steps to take will require time and patience.  Finding a place where we can relax and take time out to uncover the workings of our mind, and then find a remedy for old habits that often cause us to lose confidence in our ability to become a truly Positive Person!