Monday, February 28, 2022


Solidarity, what does it mean?  I wonder as I watch men from the Ukraine, who have been living in Ireland for many years and happy to be here, yet feel compelled to return to their native country, and fight for freedom.

I ask myself, would I be willing to follow their example if I was a Ukraine citizen? A tough question and yet, one that inspires bravery and solidarity.  As we in Ireland know, our freedom came from our belief that our Freedom Fighters in 1916 showed us what it means to value freedom.

It seems the whole world is united in sympathy and encouragement for these brave persons.  How would I feel if some other nation was to invade us here in Ireland?  Would I be willing to give up my life for the cause of freedom?

The whole world is looking on and if all we can do is pray and in whatever way we can, support this wonderful brave country, then let us do so with a brave heart.  We can and we must open up our borders to all who need help.

If I could look into the Mind of God, I wonder what would I be prompted to do?  Will my belief in all that is honest and good, help me to be a supporter to like -minded people, just like the early martyrs?  I wonder!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


The virtue of compassion is such a wonderful ability to have.  However, it can and does take a certain amount of effort on our part to become a truly compassionate person.

We may want to feel for another person, yet find ourselves unmoved by their plight. Even worse, we might become afraid of how their need might impinge on our lives.

A great example is the plight of the immigrants and displaced persons.  They are forced to leave their homes and at great risk, take their families to where they feel they might be safe.

Social media has highlighted so many disasters that have taken place, where they found themselves unwelcome and unwanted.  Just like the homeless people who beg for help and are regarded as a nuisence in our civilised society.

Christ presents us with the story of the good samaritan, who showed compassion for the one who was wounded, and made it his business to care for him.There was no mention of who he was or where he came from.  He was a person in need, and a compassionate heart reached out to him.

Could this be you?  Could this be me?  Love and kindness is always needed and hopefully we will be able to respond, when asked, with a compassionate heart. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2022


 There are so many ways in which we can experience pain.  Even loving can be painful, because we are exposed to vulnerability and feel no longer able to exist without the one we love.

Perhaps this is why we sometimes run away from those who could have a positive effect on our lives.  We want to grow in love, yet not in pain.

Running away from situations that will cause us to suffer is normal, unless we possess saintly qualities.  No big deal.  In every event of our lives we are taking steps towards becoming a better and more informed person. We call this maturity.

However, when it comes to suffering, we can and will shy away from the pain that we are presented with.  Most normal people do not want to suffer, yet common sense teaches us that suffering is part and parcel of being a complete person.

I can cherish the idea of being in love, and the wonderful awareness that love will add to my happiness, yet, I still can and often do, run away from the pain that comes with love.  Is there a soluliton, I wonder?

For every joy that comes into our lives, there will be a price to pay. If we can allow the joy we experience move us and guide us, then we will gladly accept any and all the pain we know that comes with a joyful heart.

There is no way we can reach the top of a mountain without effort and pain, yet the joyful experience when we reach the top will be our reward!

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


When we learn to Trust, we learn to Love , and we learn to live!  

This is a way that will guide us on the path of peace and happiness; there is so little we need to do, except choose, make choices that are based on trust and love

What separates us from others is fear. We become afraid of being hurt or being  vulnerable. We simply are afraid to love, and so we run away like a frightened child.

God does not expect us to be full of wisdom and great abilities. He wants us to be childlike, able to embrace the world without fear, knowing that we are loved by God.

Christ invites us, 'Come to me...'  Let us respond with trust in God's love for us.