Thursday, November 21, 2019

Joyful, yet sad...

Last night I attended the celebration of Mass in Wicklow Gaol.
A nice crowd of people came and we were entertained with lovely, prayerful  music.
The purpose of the Mass was to help us remember all the poor souls who spent time in the Gaol and perhaps even died there, so many years ago.
One old lady was ninety years old and it was recorded that she had failed to pay her tax.  Perhaps, whole families lived there and young children, begging or stealing food because they were hungry.  
Hard to believe nowadays that people died of hunger and yet on my visit to Dublin the day before, I witnessed a young girl with a sign 'I'm hungry. Please help me.'  
The Gaol is a sad place and yet there was somehow an atmosphere of Joy.
In the spiritual world we learn to know that there are many Holy Souls who would love us to pray for them and they can play a part in our lives too. 

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