Thursday, November 7, 2019

Eager to Love...

For all who believe in Creation, we know we are created to love and be guided through life by Love.
Believing this, does not necessarily prompt us to love.
Of course, we all want to love and be loved and this spiritual longing within us is also a very natural feeling.  It insures that we are open to love / open to others and open to becoming a loving person.
Perhaps our best encouragement comes from our desire to be happy and also to make others happy.
What better environment can we be in than one where we are surrounded by positive, smiling faces.  Then love comes easily.
However, this is not always the case.  We can experience times in our lives where even smiling can be difficult. Life becomes a big challenge and we may not have answers to our difficulties.
What can we do?
The answer is a simple one, Put Love First!
Whatever the cost, be eager and willing to love.
Develop this awareness of needing to love and become eager to love.
They say God loves a good trier and so does the world at large.
Be eager to love and step by step, watch all problems disappear.

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