Being Creative is a wonderful way to express ourselves and experience the Joy of having a creative mind.
There are so many ways in which we can be creative and it's important for us to discover the way that draws us and fills us with passion and life!
For myself, I love Creative Writing and all the different ways that one can express oneself.
I like to write Plays and Stories with humour and meaning, developing characters that can express life in modern settings and even move readers to laughter and tears.
One of my brothers loves to write Poetry and has a natural flair for so doing, and enjoys the work involved in giving time to writing.
I would encourage people to put pen to paper and allow their 'inner-child' to tell a tale and in so doing be moved by whatever comes to mind.
The beauty of Creative Writing is found in each present moment.
Perhaps tomorrow we will find ourselves being inspired in a totally different way. What an adventure this can be.
Let's surprise ourselves, being in the flow of inspiration and the wonderful Joy that follows.