We are told TRUTH is like a razor-sharp knife; what is true is on one side and what is false on the other.
This puts life in a 'black and white' picture. Can this be so?
Do we sometimes live in a world of grey where nothing is very clear...
Perhaps we do at times, yet the truth cannot be coloured according to the mood we find ourselves in.
The person who wants to be free and able to live an honest life is obligated to live by what is true, not not by what is false.
When we read the lives of the Saints, people who loved God and had a love for Truth, then we have a good example of what it takes to be truthful.
God is kind and compassionate and willingly forgives us when we fail to live up to our truthful self.
Yet, we can only avail of this wonderful grace when we are honest and love what is truthful.
The TRUTH will set us free!
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