Sunday, August 30, 2015

By mistakes we learn...

Today I learned quite a few things, especially about myself.
I believe I am careful, therefore I should not do anything careless...
This is a fallacy as we learn so much from the mistakes we make.
A careful person does not have an accident and yet it can be so easy to fall and hurt oneself.
Perhaps it can be a bigger mistake to believe we should not make mistakes.
A positive-minded person will realise that so much can be taught by a study of our failings.
Our imperfect nature teaches us how to depend on God and the graces we receive each day.
Instead of being occupied by our mistakes we can be filled with gratitude for God's love and protection.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Love Weakness...

Today I had an experience of weakness .  It was so unexpected even though we often talk about loving weakness and how it gives us a chance to turn to God for strength.
I had a job to do, not a difficult one yet it involved doing something that makes me afraid. 
I told myself it was silly and yet just like the weakness of being afraid of the dark, the fear stayed with me.
I managed, yet I was left feeling traumatised / I felt weak...
Tears came too easily, making me feel ashamed of my state of weakness.
Yet, when I gave myself time to reflect and be calm, I realised how valuable this state of weakness truly is.
Strength could not come from me, so I was obliged to look elsewhere.
I willingly turned to God and prayed for His help.  I was not left wanting.
There is a great secret to be found in loving weakness.  
This is the pathway to spiritual strength, to finding happiness in the company of God.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

True Love

I was thinking about God the other day and how He can see into our inner thoughts.
How He knows us even better than we know ourselves.
Strange to be loved so much by Someone who knows every single mistake and fault we have ever committed. Truly this is real love.
Often, we can be misguided by natural love and so feel free to love or hate, depending on our feelings etc.  Not so with God.
It's humbling to realise that God loves us, as we are.
It may be His desire for us to become a better and more loving person, yet He still loves us.
Such a good reason for loving God, as the commandment says ' with our whole heart soul and mind.'

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Our Lady's Day...

The 15th August is always a special day for me. 
The Feast of the Assumption of our Lady reminds me of the Mother of God and the power and love of a mother.
This is now a dogma of faith that our Lady never died.  She was taken to heaven, probably by a host of angels so she could be with her beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
These mysteries of faith cannot be understood with human logic and yet we are able to understand the logic of Love.
We have a Mother in heaven who often visits us on earth.
It is a gift of faith to be able to honour and love the Mother of God and regard her as our mother too.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Be Patient...

The virtue of Patience is one worth having and we gain it by being patient.
When we are able to be honest with ourselves, it's easy to see that our lack of patience is often the reason why we fail / do or say things we are sorry for afterwards.
It would be a blessing to be able to focus on what we want to do and leave all negative debris aside.
A patient person will take a moment to reflect and so make positive choices.
It's good to remember we are dealing with imperfection, both in ourselves and others, so take it easy and practise patience!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Be of good cheer...

To be of good cheer means a willingness to look at the bright side of life.
Life as we know it is constantly changing and we are too.
Today I may be in good form and love life and admire the sunshine and the clouds etc.
Tomorrow I may well be not so good and find it an effort to be of good cheer.
All that matters is my willingness to look at life with a positive and optimistic spirit.
Feelings don't make us who we are.
Our choices do. 

Friday, August 7, 2015


We are told TRUTH is like a razor-sharp knife; what is true is on one side and what is false on the other.
This puts life in a 'black and white' picture.  Can this be so?
Do we sometimes live in a world of grey where nothing is very clear...
Perhaps we do at times, yet the truth cannot be coloured according to the mood we find ourselves in.
The person who wants to be free and able to live an honest life is obligated to live by what is true, not not by what is false.
When we read the lives of the Saints, people who loved God and had a love for Truth, then we have a good example of what it takes to be truthful.
God is kind and compassionate and willingly forgives us when we fail to live up to our truthful self.
Yet, we can only avail of this wonderful grace when we are honest and love what is truthful.
The TRUTH will set us free!