It's an extraordinary thing to reflect on, that God would need to be comforted by us. How could that be, the Creator of the whole universe having a need for you and me?
Perhaps the only explanation is found in the essence of LOVE itself.
He who is love has created a need in Himself for love.
An analogy that might help is found in friendship. One person loves another, and so they have a need to express and experience love with their friend. On the other hand, their friend has freedom to reject, at all times, inspirations to respond to love.
No pressure in the world can force a person to love. Such is the quality of love that it must come freely, without restraints of any kind. This is what makes love so powerful, a gift of freedom.
Imagine then, if we can, the almighty God, Father of the Universe, bowing down like a child and willing to accept the crumbs of love that we offer Him.
'Comfort me, my people.' This is God's plea to us.
Are we able to respond?
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