Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Each day affords us opportunities to change / to learn new ways / to develop our relationships. We are presented with so many invitations and we either respond to them, or 'miss the boat'.

Opportunities come to us in various ways - through friends who make us aware of who we are and where we are, as a person. We either move towards love, or away from it.

God knocks on our door, many times. We might be aware of His Presence or we may not. Often we can be wrapped up in our own desires so that nothing and nobody reaches us.

This is a sad state of affairs, yet can be redeemed simply by changing the way we look at life. Either we are receiving opportunites to grow and develop as a loving person OR we are a victim of circumstances and so life is viewed as difficult.

An opportunity to love, responded to, will last forever. Un-ending. Such a wonderful thought. There is no limit to Love.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


It's interesting to note that our lives revolve around relationships. As a child we begin with a relationship with our parents and siblings. Then we enlarge our world of relationships with friends and relations.

Then school introduces us to both casual and particular persons with whom we build a relationship. So, on and on our lives evolve.

Yet, it's so important to be centred, and this is where our relationship with God steps in. Our lives depend on He who has created us, the Creator of the Universe.

St Augustine said, 'Our hearts are restless 'till they rest in God.'

As soon as we are centred in God, our lives begin to expand and we discover the purpose of life / of being focused and open to grace.

When you think of it, we are so individual, so unique. We learn from each other and yet we need to find ourselves, our true selves. No copy-cats allowed when it comes to facing the Truth.

This is why the spiritual life is so important. We learn to centre our lives on Truth and so learn to be just who we, a child of God.

Christ has established a loving relationship with us. Now it's up to us to develop our loving relationship with Him.

Friday, August 21, 2009


St. Paul tells us that strength is made perfect in weakness. Well, he's right!

If we spend a little while examining ourselves we will see that every time we experience weakness of some sort, an added strength follows.

This has been my experience, the other day, when I woke up with a sore throat and bad cold. My first words, 'Oh Lord, I'm in for it.' Not a very positive response, yet past memories reminded me of at least a week in bed feeling miserable.

Not so, this time. I decided to relax and work on trust in the goodness of God. Maybe I needed a rest. Good, one part of the solution taken care of, then a friend gave me an alternative medicine for 'Throat and Tonsils' which worked well. t.g.

In all, I handled my weakness positively and so the result was a positive one. I now feel much better today and able to work, and write!

The added strength that follows is an even stronger belief in a positive attitude to weakness.

In my weakness, I found my strength!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009


When our Lord spoke to us, he used the example of the birds of the air and how God looks after them. So we have no need to worry. Worry is fabricated by fear. And, we have nothing to fear. God is with us on our journey.

To be as free as a bird, gliding through the air as if life only contained opportunities to play, then we have a need to trust in the goodness of He who has promised to look after us.

Look at all the missionaries who work in foreign countries, away from home and family. I think especially of my sister, Mairead FMM who helps run a Hospice and takes on the worries of the poor people who have need of help. She is an ordinary person, yet her faith is extra-ordinary because she trusts in the goodness of God and the kindness of people, then the work gets done without anxiety or worry. (maybe a little human worry... sometimes)

We can choose to be as free as a bird, flying with wings of inspiration, provided we trust that God
will lift us up to greater and greater heights of sanctity.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


To be converted, to discover and go through a transformation in our life, is mostly to do with grace and a lot of good-will.

God will always respond to our good-will. This is our proof that we are open, open to receive His help/ His graces. Sometimes, that may be all we have to offer, our good-will, yet this is what God looks for because He then knows that we have enough faith to trust in Him.

Conversion is all about us and God, a special relationship that we form with the Creator of the Universe. No other relationship will mean as much, and in fact all our relationships with family and friends etc depend on this bond we have with God.

My conversion starts each day / each hour / each moment. I convert my thoughts to God and Godly ways and come away from myself and earthy ways of seeing and doing thing.

This is what the spiritual life is all about, a conversion of us into God.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Today, being Friday, I am 'front-of-house' in our Healthy Habits Cafe. This could mean a busy day, so I am preparing as much as I can to meet the needs of customers.

This has made me realise that it is so easy to become stressed. It starts in the mind and has nothing to do with reality.

The solution seems to be, to learn to live in the moment. Each moment is so precious. What a pity if life was taken up with what might/could/should happen. This is not reality.

The wonderful thing about living in the moment is the fact that in each moment we are presented with a grace to deal the NOW.

Especially for a person of faith, the knowledge is there to help us become aware of the Presence of God and the gift of grace that is given to us, as we need it.

God is beyond generousity, and yet He is not wasteful. As we become aware of our needs, then God will provide us with all the help we need.

Live in the moment. Be a person of faith. Avail of God's help, simply by asking for it. God will never let us down.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


It occurred to me this morning, after I failed for the third time in my quest for a fully positive day, that there is energy in all we do and especially in our thoughts.

Positive energy is found in our willingness to be guided by our good-will, and learn to ignore our emotions and feelings. After all, if it rains, then my feelings may be 'damp' and dull. This can lead to a negative feeling and drag me away from having a positive outlook on life.

W!en I am positive, and work on my good-will to have a positive spirit, then I am energised with the power of the positive. I am alive!

Positive energy is almost miraculous. It lifts me beyond myself and affords me opportunities to reach out to new horizons. I become a source of encouragement both to myself and others.

What better way to love myself and love my neighbour is there?

Positive energy changes us and the world we live in.