Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Whether we know it or not, we are in the Hands of God. We have love and compassion and protection on our side, so really we have nothing to fear.

Perhaps our downfall / our lack of faith comes about because we forget how much we are loved by God. We forget to remember the wonderful message of the Cross. In our imperfect state we judge love according to our own standards, so even if we were a saint ( and which one of us can lay claim to that title) we could not imagine the extent of God's love for us.

God does not mind that we are imperfect, yet He does suffer from our ingratitude.

If we place ourselves in the role of a child, and look at God as our Father, then we might get an idea of what Love is all about.

A good parent will give all for the happiness of it's child. This is how God behaves towards us.

Be grateful / be happy. Relax in the Hands of God!

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