Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Our Lord said to us, 'Fear not. I will be with you...'
This is a statement and a promise. We can depend on Christ being with us, always, so why be afraid? Why let fear be a part of our lives?

Perhaps it's important for us to realise that fear is fabricated. It is simply an absence of Love. The whole purpose of our lives is to love. This is where happiness originates.

Love guides us through the storms of life and help us to cling to sanity. Without love we are aimless, like a lost soul.

It's good to face our fears, yet never to allow fear to take a grip on our lives. Whatever we are afraid of, that is simply a challenge God presents to us, to help us grow in love.

Be smart. Focus on Love. Forget fear.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


The power of prayer is known by those who are in touch with their spiritual side. When we pray, we invite the Creator of the Universe into our lives.
We are no longer alone. God is with us.
Such a simple statement and yet so profound.
God is with us, in what we do/say/think/feel/desire. This can be hard to understand, even among those who are grounded in the spiritual life.
When we love, we experience a little of this closeness with another person. They become almost part of our thought-patterns. They become part of our lives.
When we pray, we allow God to step into our lives and guide us. This almighty God bends down and listens to us, and helps us.
Pray often. Experience this great power of prayer.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

To be, or not to be...

To be, or not to be, that is the question... So many of us have learned these lines from Shakespeare, and yet, what does it mean?
Are we such frauds that we don't even know ourselves? Or are we living so much in the sub-conscious that we fool even ourselves as to who we are?

All questions / no answers. So, where is TRUTH?

The basic truth is that we are both human and spiritual.

If I am happy, then my body is more healthy and alive. If I am negative, my body suffers also. Medical science today is discovering just how much our state of mind governs our health. This is a great reminder to us to change thought patterns that make us feel bad, about ourselves or others.
A positive outlook brings about a healthy, happy us. We become what we think; what we allow ourselves to dwell upon. In sense, we are co-creators. We have the power to become a healthy/positive person, able and willing to love.
To BE anything else would make us less than who we are.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy am I...

A good friend would say, 'Happy am I' This was his way of dealing with everything that came his way. If fun came, then happy was he. If pain came, then, happy was he.
Such a simple philosophy and yet so deep because it teaches us how to embrace God's Will at all times.

God is not a judge. He cares so much for us that we cannot fathom this kind of Love. Yet, like the loving parent, God allows suffering. This can be hard for us to grasp. How can love and suffering go hand in hand?

This is the mystery of life. We love, and we get hurt. The result, suffering. It would seem to be that love creates a kind of suffering, what one might call the 'teaching' kind.

We know we are not perfect, so we have a lot to learn in life and our best 'teacher' is Love.

Open the book of the positive and learn how to handle suffering with love.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Today, being St. Valentine's day, can only be about LOVE.

For those of a spiritual mind, God is Love. This makes such positive sense because when we love we become a part of He who is Love.

No need for great deeds, just simple acts of love / kindness / compassion / trust / laughter.

All is well, all is Love!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Whether we know it or not, we are in the Hands of God. We have love and compassion and protection on our side, so really we have nothing to fear.

Perhaps our downfall / our lack of faith comes about because we forget how much we are loved by God. We forget to remember the wonderful message of the Cross. In our imperfect state we judge love according to our own standards, so even if we were a saint ( and which one of us can lay claim to that title) we could not imagine the extent of God's love for us.

God does not mind that we are imperfect, yet He does suffer from our ingratitude.

If we place ourselves in the role of a child, and look at God as our Father, then we might get an idea of what Love is all about.

A good parent will give all for the happiness of it's child. This is how God behaves towards us.

Be grateful / be happy. Relax in the Hands of God!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Sometimes when we are weak, or not well, we can become afraid of weakness. We find ourselves in a state of helplessness, whereas before we could have in mind to do things and follow through with our plans.

Now, we are weak. Our strength is gone. We are like a child and find ourselves dependent on others, dependent on our 'Parent', dependent on God. This is not a bad state to be in. In fact, from a spiritual point of view we are enriched.
We no longer need to depend on our own finite being. We can and will be able to depend on Divine Providence.
God has promised to be with us, always. So, we have no problem. We are being invited to live a life of faith and take God at his word.
In truth, I can see that in my weakness I find my strength!