I passed a boy in the street. He was cold. He asked for money. The thought came to mind to treat him to a hot bowl of soup. I didn’t respond. The boy remained cold.
I was busy in work; very busy. A friend needed help; needed a listening ear. I responded. My friend regained peace of mind.
I was shopping. A coloured lady with a baby was selling magazines. It was a wet, cold day. I wondered about her, standing there. I gave a donation. She smiled.
I was worried, seeing problems everywhere. I passed by a Church. The thought came to go in. I did. I relaxed and I prayed. My troubles diminished. I found peace.
Kind thoughts are given to us, perhaps at every moment. We hear them and respond sometimes; sometimes not.
Kind thoughts are magical. When we respond, they change our lives, and our neighbours, for the better.
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