Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy, Holy Christmas 2008

This is a little greeting to all out there, wishing you a happy, holy Christmas.

It would seem that being happy and being holy go very much together.

Maybe the answer is found in a love for truth. We are not created to suffer. We are created by One who loves us very much and cares for our happiness. God wishes us to be happy souls, so much so that He allowed His Son to be vulnerable on our account.

Christ has come into our world as a fragile, little baby, helpless and dependent on us, to respond to His love for us.
For anyone who truly loves another, the joy of love is tempered with pain. We become vulnerable when we love and open our hearts to others. This is what Christ does for us, each day, always.

He has made us a promise, "I will be with you, always..."

Today, Christmas day, the birth of Christ, would be a good day for us to promise to be with Him, always.

Keep God in your heart!

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