Sunday, December 26, 2021


Christmas blessings come in abundance, and it is so important to be able to count our blessings, to realise how much we are loved, by friends and family and God.

It can happen that we are faced with disappointments / mistakes and regrets, and all the many things that pertain to being human.

However, no matter what happens or doesn't happen, we are being blessed by a divine love that understands us, much more than we understand ourselves.

In a way, we are like children, centred on all the things we want, not realising that our heavenly Father knows what is best for us, and with loving compassion guides us to a true understanding of life.  

What may seem a failure could turn out to be a lesson that teaches us how to become a more happy and spiritual person.  We can only judge with our limited abilities. Divine Providence is without limits.

Let's take a moment to count our Christmas blessings!


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