Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Today, beginning our lockdown in level 3 is an invitation to trust, to trust in God who is above all and to trust in each other that we will respond with good will and not be afraid of the challenges that come our way.

We don't have answers for the future, so the best that we can do is respond now, with trust and faith that all will be well.  We have a lovely country with the sun shining and reminding us that life is beautiful.

Let's spend a little time today in finding 'gems' of beauty to admire and make them part of our lives.  It can be a smile / timeout to enjoy a walk / a creative inspiration to write a poem or letter or whatever.  Life is wonderful and even more so when we give our selves time to enjoy it.

Trust that all will be well.  Trust that God is above ALL  and loves us very much.

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