Friday, September 11, 2020


 I'm reminded of a song my nanny used to sing... 'Jealous heart,  oh jealous heart stop beating. Can't you see the damage you have done...'   I was young at the time and didn't understand the words, yet I liked the song and the fact that I was able to learn the words.

Now, as a supposedly mature adult, I can fully understand the damage that jealousy can cause and also the pain when one is jealous of another person for whatever reason.  We are called to love and so there is no room for jealousy as it impedes love and causes pain.  

The soul that is willing to choose to love in all situations and pay no attention to feelings that would deter the soul from loving is one that is very pleasing to God and to others too.  

We may not be perfect at loving, yet as long as we put love first, we will have the power of God with us, always.

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