Thursday, August 29, 2019


For my 21st Birthday I was gifted a copy of the Life of St. Catherine of Sienna.
My second name is Catherine, so I read about her and was impressed.
She was a princess and from childhood, had a special love for God.
She suffered a lot when her husband died, yet continued to trust and depend on God's love for her. So I learned from Catherine that suffering helps us to be close to God.
When I joined the Community I was given a book called 'The Story of a Soul'.
Such a wonderful introduction to the life of St. Therese of Lisieux.
Her life-story invites us to abandon ourselves to God; to simply believe in how much God loves us.
Therese's simple approach to the spiritual life is a great encouragement for me to follow her 'Little Way.'
Most of all I have a love for Mary, our Lady, the Mother of all Saints.

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