Wednesday, December 31, 2014


On the eve of New Year 2015 and already my mind is racing ahead, wondering just how I can be renewed...
What does it mean?   How does one become a newer, better person?
Perhaps the answer lies in our ability to change and to welcome change.
In a way, it is simple because we are always changing.
There may have been a time when we felt able to do many things and almost willing to take on the challenge of changing the world, making it a better place for mankind.
However, reality slowly sinks in and one realises that we change our world by changing ourselves.
So, where does one begin?   
Is God inviting me to become a better person in some special way?
Of course, God works through the natural and if we have the gift of good friends, then that is a good place to start.  What does my friends say to me?  Is there a pattern evolving?
More especially, what is God whispering to me when I'm alone with Him, giving
time to prayer and meditation.
When we read the lives of the saints, we can see how diligent they were in finding out God's Will and following the inspirations of grace with honesty and buckets of good will.
Renewal will happen when I have the good will to follow the inspirations given to me by God. 

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