Wednesday, December 24, 2014


It's become a tradition for us to have our main Christmas meal on the eve of Christmas and we invite friends to come a share Christmas with us.
Our meal was splendid and each person contributed in their own way.
Joan decorated the table which is a work of art.  Gay added her creativity with lights.
Veronica and Michaela did us proud with food fit for royalty. 
We gladly ate and enjoyed each other's company.  Nothing special, yet everything was special.
I'm so proud of our community where simplicity is highlighted and each person is special.
Now, the rest of the community prepare for the traditional Christmas walk in Glendalough while I remain at home and nurse my cold.
God's compassionate nature is felt by all of us. No pressure to be more than we are, yet always invited to put love into all we do.

Oh Babe of Bethleham, fill my heart with love for you this silent Christmas night.

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