Monday, November 18, 2013

The Gentle Voice...

I've just come back from an educational and enjoyable trip to London.
Life there is truly different, at least to my way of doing things.
Londoners are constantly on the go; generally speaking.
I'm almost standing still.
My life is such that I only gain from doing less rather than more.
Perhaps this is an 'age' thing. Or, perhaps it relates to values.
If I value fashionable clothes, then that's what my mind will be filled with.
If I value inward beauty and peace, then perhaps I have a good chance to grow...
God is always whispering to us, in such a Gentle Voice, encouraging us to change and become a better person.

Do I respond?  Do I even hear this Gentle Voice?
This is where change can be helpful because we break the patterns of our lives and learn to think in a different way / live in a different way. and so we grow....
It is my desire to grow in love and learn each day to listen to the Gentle Voice of God.

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