Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Journey

We are all on a journey, hopefully on our way to spend Eternity with the One who loves us.
This week, Holy week, is a good time to evaluate our position and how we are progressing on the journey to Heaven.

Christ has already prepared the Way for us. Just like a 'sat-nap' we only need to 'tune' into the pathways designated for us.

As we are unique, there is a specific pathway for each person.

When we pray, we link up with God's Will for us and so are guided along our true pathway in life.

This Journey to Heaven is the most important journey of our lives.

It would be sad to lose our way. Maybe we get side-tracked sometimes, yet we can always find our way back.

Simply pray, tune in, ask for guidance and the Way will be made clear.
'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life... Follow Me'

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