Thursday, April 14, 2011


There are times when we may not be able to do very much. We want to do a lot, yet perhaps we are tired or sick or simply lacking in good-will.

Whatever it is that holds us back from being generous and interested in others may have a justifiable reason, yet pay no attention to it.

We are created to love and love means giving and sharing and caring.

So, when our nature kicks up and doesn't want to be a loving saint, then say 'okay' and just give a little.

Let's do whatever we can, then do a little more, and more, and more.

It's good to remember that we are like children. We don't often know what's good for us.

We want to be happy and loved and cared for, not realising that it is in the measure we give that we are able to receive.

Give a little. Keep the 'ball' of kindness rolling!

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