Friday, November 19, 2010


Today is a good day for me to renew myself, to focus on what makes me a better person and learn to avoid all that would make me less.

Of course, to be able to renew ourselves and make changes, depends on how aware we are of our shortcomings and weaknesses.

Being weak is not a disadvantage, yet it can be a realisation of how imperfect we are. No need to worry. Nobody is perfect.

We all have flaws which can actually help us to be a better, more compassionate person.

When I become aware of my short-comings, then I learn to have more understanding and empathy with others when they fall short.

Renewal is all about facing the truth of who we are, without pretence.

If I am to be a better person, then I need help. And, who better to help me than He who loves me.

'I can do all things in Him who strengthens me'.

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