Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Today was an interesting day for me as regards work.

I had allocated a certain amount of time to paint, wall painting. Mundane, and one could say not very creative.
I was wrong.

Perhaps all work is of a creative nature, depending on the disposition of the worker.

I set up to do a good job; applied masking tape to ensure the paint went where it should and not on the floor and ceiling.

My goal was to work as fast as I could, then I would be free to get on with my creative life.

Almost too late, I realised there was no way I could 'hurry' the job.

What seemed a small area, grew larger as my hand became tired and my limbs ached.

After two hours, even super-food would not be enough to keep me going. A rest was needed.

And, as I sat and enjoyed a cuppa, it dawned on me that my approach to the job was incorrect.

Manual work is another form of creative work. How we apply ourselves will determine how much enjoyment we receive.

The creative person is able to find fun in all they do.

So, tomorrow, when I pick up my painting 'tools' I will allow the 'artist within' to work on the job, and enjoy it.

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