Tuesday, April 27, 2010


In the prayer by St. Francis, 'to toil and not to seek for rest...' we are encouraged not to count the cost.

Everything we do will cost us something. This is a good thing as often we need to put value on what we do. The best way to do that is to pay a price for what we are receiving.

Some time ago I bought a pair of runners at the princely cost of €5 (sale price). They are so comfortable. Yet, there is a thought inside of me which says they are perhaps bad for my feet, because they cost so little.

If I had paid more, I would value them more. Such is human reasoning...

Then we look at the life of Christ and the awful price He paid for our redemption. That He values us so much, He was and is willing to suffer for you and me.

Christ paid the ultimate price. Was the cost too much?

What am I willing to pay? Is there a price tag on my happiness?

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