Thursday, January 21, 2010


A spirit of gladness is found in those who know how to appreciate life, in all the many turns of events that happen.

We can be locked into desires of one kind or another, and so miss out on the BIG picture of life, the wonderful glad spirit that captivates us and fills us with gratitude and joy.

So, how do we gain this spirit of gladness?

For me, the answer is simple, and simply done; to apply myself to each day and the events of the day with a glad heart, even if I don't feel glad.

Feelings come and go. All it takes is a little cold to make us feel miserable, but do we have to feel bad? This is where choice comes in.

I choose to feel good, therefore I am good and glad to be so. The fact that I fail or things go wrong does not change the truth of my choice.

This is where the spirit of gladness is fostered, and like a plant grows and blossoms.

We can be weak, and yet strong when we are imbued with this spirit of gladness.

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