Saturday, January 9, 2010


A friend said once that when we keep walking in the same path we wind up in a rut. So easy to happen; we have a system that works and so we apply it. This is good, yet if it prevents us from moving forward, then we need to let go and find a new path.

It can be so encouraging and uplifting to step forward into NEW SPACE. It may mean moving house / moving city / moving country. Whatever is needed to lift us out of our comfort zone.

Most times, what is needed is simply a change of mind, a new way of looking at our lives and learning to find new ways to spring forward as a person.

Meditation is a good exercise in allowing us to come away from our mind-patterns and leave space for God. This way we are free to see life without our usual hang-ups.

We become aware of reality and so we can reach out, follow new ways and create new space in our lives for LOVE.

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