Friday, August 27, 2021


To be courageous is a challenge and yet, a life without a challenge would be very dull and without meaning.  This is why we have such a need to face our fears and difficulties.

The very idea of being a true Christian today is one of courage. We are invited to stand up and be counted, and let the world know that we are dedicated to loving God and all that pertains to Christian values.

We are created by God in His image and likeness.  This is tantamount to being of Royal blood.  In a spiritual content, we are persons of high ideals and are expected to live according to the teachings of Christ.

Of course, we know. if we have any sense at all, how flawed and imperfect we are. We are the children of God and yet, we are also the champions of Love. 

Acting with Courage teaches us to reach towards a life filled with love and respect for all.  Our failings are just there to keep us humble, so we can plod on and continue to be a soldier of Christ!

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