Tuesday, August 31, 2021


 A Positive Spirit comes about when we give time to what we love, and especially those we love.  Life is meant to be an adventure; using a positive spirit to guide us forward on the path of love.

Believing in God is a wonderful way to realise that we are loved, and that we are loveable.  This God of ours is compassionate and loving and wants us to be like Him in all we are and all we do.

There may be difficulties in life, yet there are always positive solutions to be found. We just need to look for them, to awaken our heart to the inspirations that allow us to become all that God would ask of us.

Our imperfections may cause us to stumble, yet all we need to do is look for a positive solution and apply it.  We are never without God's love for us. It may not appear as we imagined it should. When we take a moment and listen to the little voice within, we will find positive answers to all and everything. 

A positive spirit will always guide us towards Love.

Friday, August 27, 2021


To be courageous is a challenge and yet, a life without a challenge would be very dull and without meaning.  This is why we have such a need to face our fears and difficulties.

The very idea of being a true Christian today is one of courage. We are invited to stand up and be counted, and let the world know that we are dedicated to loving God and all that pertains to Christian values.

We are created by God in His image and likeness.  This is tantamount to being of Royal blood.  In a spiritual content, we are persons of high ideals and are expected to live according to the teachings of Christ.

Of course, we know. if we have any sense at all, how flawed and imperfect we are. We are the children of God and yet, we are also the champions of Love. 

Acting with Courage teaches us to reach towards a life filled with love and respect for all.  Our failings are just there to keep us humble, so we can plod on and continue to be a soldier of Christ!

Monday, August 23, 2021


My favourite waistcoat was falling to pieces.  I loved the comfort of it and the feel of the material, however, a good friend advised me to 'let it go', preferably into the bin!

It was replaced with a new, more 'up-to-date' jacket, which received many compliments. I was glad to have taken on board my friend's good advice. Already, I began to feel more smart and youthful.  My baggy 'old lady' look was gone.

This made me realise how important it is to listen to others, and more importantly, to act on good advise, freely given.  Also, we can be our own worst enemy as regards what is good for us. We need outside encouragement. How we see the world at large may well be tainted by our weaknesses and shortcomings.

If this is the case in relation to our 'exterior person', how much more will it be in relation to our 'interior person'.  What we read impounds on our outlook on life, so if we give time to read about people who truly love God; good-minded people who live by their true and honest nature, our lives will be changed for the better.

Listen well to all they have to say. Their wisdom and insight will impact on our lives and help us to become a person with a New Look, a Godly one.

Friday, August 20, 2021


Acceptance is a way of agreeing with something or someone.  We may still hold on to our own opinion or way of looking at life, and yet, accept with a good heart.

I ask myself, why is acceptance so important?  The answer is simple. When we are open to accepting what might be said to us, or asked from us, we open ourselves to the beliefs and opinions of another person.  The natural barriers that exist between people is broken down and unity follows.

Acceptance does not mean we give up our own beliefs, it simply allows us to understand where other people might be coming from.  We broaden our minds and hearts and we learn how to listen well.  

Imagine what a wonderful place the world would be if acceptance was fostered, regardless of our understanding.  When Christ walked on the Earth, people came from everywhere to listen to what he had to say. Many did not understand, and yet, they willingly accepted that he spoke with authority.  He made no demands, yet shared the wisdom of love to all.

We can do likewise by accepting others and also, sharing who we are with them.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021


It's quite an art to be commited to what we love, and give time to it. If we are a writer, then there is a need to make a commitment, and write every day.

This is my conviction, but not always my action. Pity, and yet, just by writing about writing can and is an encouragement to write!

When the first Lockdown was enforced, I felt a certain excitement in myself, an awareness that now I could actually be faithful to my calling as a writer. 

I'm impressed and glad for all the writings that I managed to do, and surprised myself with a certain newness in my writing patterns.

By the end of Y2020, I found myself struggling to write each day as I had promised myself to do. There was always a list of reasons why, and now I see they were only  excuses.

Am I writer?  Do I write?  When I'm able to say YES, then I know I am living up to my commitment as a writer.

At present, the Olympics are being broadcast, and we are being presented with people from all walks of life who are dedicated to their 'craft'.  This is a wonderful inspiration for all of us.  If we truly believe we are writers, then let's put pen to paper and write!