Thursday, December 30, 2021


To revive oneself comes at a cost; a willingness to let go of 'old' stuff, and open our hearts and minds to what is new! 

There is a line in one of the Psalms of David... ' revive my drooping spirit...' a very apt discription for those of us, coming away from the frills and glitter of Christmas, with an appetite for being creative.

When it comes to Creative Writing, tread carefully, yet diligently.  So many thoughts and ideas can be floating around in our tired heads, yet we long to put pen to paper and write.

What has saved me, many times, is my journey into the world of Poetry. Lately, Woodsworth has come into the picture of my creativity and bowled me over with his poem 'Intimations of Imortality....' The poem takes a good 15minutes to read, and hours to comprehend.  I feel truly blessed if I come up with a few lines.

Another poet, nearer to home, is Patrick Kavanagh; earthy poems and simple too. Of course we have Seamus Heaney, top of the list. I just wish I had a better understanding of his poems. Then again, to be moved by a poem is better than to understand the poet's meaning.

Perhaps, we all have dreams of writing 'good stuff'.  Maybe even get published, and why not.  If we enjoy writing and have a certain knowledge of our market, then all we need to do is,  put pen to paper and write!

Sunday, December 26, 2021


Christmas blessings come in abundance, and it is so important to be able to count our blessings, to realise how much we are loved, by friends and family and God.

It can happen that we are faced with disappointments / mistakes and regrets, and all the many things that pertain to being human.

However, no matter what happens or doesn't happen, we are being blessed by a divine love that understands us, much more than we understand ourselves.

In a way, we are like children, centred on all the things we want, not realising that our heavenly Father knows what is best for us, and with loving compassion guides us to a true understanding of life.  

What may seem a failure could turn out to be a lesson that teaches us how to become a more happy and spiritual person.  We can only judge with our limited abilities. Divine Providence is without limits.

Let's take a moment to count our Christmas blessings!


Monday, December 20, 2021


 To be compassionate is a divine gift, and not easily attained, and yet, each one of us has the ability to be a compassionate person.

Perhaps, what gets in the way of behaving in a compassionate way is the almighty ego!  Our opinion of ourselves can be strong, and very wrong.

We look at the world at large through our own point of view, and easily find fault with the behaviour of others. We judge, believing that what we know is the correct way to behave, etc.

When we take time to reflect, common sense will tell us that we are not perfect by any means, therefore how can we judge the actions of others?

Compassion comes about when we are able to leave ourselves out ot the picture, and open our hearts to the needs of others.  We learn to love.

Monday, December 13, 2021


We are free to choose which way we want to go.  Our free will will guide us, and so we must be free, free to choose.

At times we may be afraid, facing into a future we do not know, yet do not be afraid. Now is the time to be brave!

Being brave is a choice as is, being afraid.  Our free will empowers us to make choices, and if we listen to the quiet voice inside of us, we will choice wisely.  We will be brave!

We are connected to a Higher Power, the Creator of all that is good.  We choose to listen and so, we will be guided to choose a solution rather than a problem.  Fear is put aside and so, we are brave!


Thursday, December 2, 2021


Dreams are magical, they take us out of ourselves and bring us to another place, another world. We enter the inner imagination where encouragement and inspirations are to be found.

Good to know, whatever we dream about is a part of us that is hidden, even to ourselves.  We have the 'outer' us, and the 'inner' us where we 'clock' in every so often, and we call it 'dreaming.'

To us, a dreamer is one who doesn't connect with what is going on, and maybe, it is true, yet only when we look beyond ourselves and dare to dream, can we learn to  open our hearts and souls to a wonderful awareness of God.

Prophets of old were often called 'dreamers', people who did not connect with the here and now.  They were connected to a Higher Power and so, they responded with courage to the imaginative 'dreams' that came their way. They were able to change our world, and so, able to change us.

Dream on!


Thursday, November 25, 2021


Living in a World of insecurity, where health issues are of vital importance, one can feel a sense of loss, almost despair... what can be done? 

How can we address a situation that seems to be beyond our power to make things right? Is everything dependant on us, or a higher Power?

Plenty of questions are bantered about, and no straight answers,  yet if we can, and are willing to believe in a higher Power, a loving God who cares for each one of us, then answers will come.

We will be surprised and delighted to find within ourselves a growing love for all that is good.  This awareness and development of a loving heart will guide us and protect us.  

We will become confident, able and willing to do what is right, guided by all that is good in ourselves, and in others.  

A confident and loving heart lives by love, and is protected by love. All that is not good is cast aside.  As Christ has told us, 'I am the Light of the World'.

Each one of us can become a Light of Love that fills us with confidence in seeing the best that is to be found in this wonderful World of ours.

Friday, November 19, 2021


 Today is my birthday, facing me with the dilemma of moving forward into a New Age, a forward thinking person who welcomes change and is open to opportunities to become a better, more focused person.

Moving forward from one age to another can mean very little, or can mean a lot. If I can think back on moments in my life when age mattered.  For example, going to the Cinema with my older sister, Mairead, and wearing high heels and lipstick so I would look eighteen when I was only sixteen and a very young sixteen at that.

Going for a summer job with my hair styled in a french roll, so I would look older and more mature.  It never worked.  My nervousness and baby face let me down. 

So, age matters a lot  when one is young, and age matters when one is old.  Perhaps the secret is found in loving the age that we are.  Becoming mature depends on the confidence we have to be just who we are, no frills or heavy make-up / short skirts or long skirts.  Just to be oneself.

Stepping into a New Age World is quite an experience.  We become aware of what matters most, loving the person that we are, warts and all!  

The Artist who has created us, has made no mistakes.  We are original, and there is only one of us.  How precious life becomes when we realise this..

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Pleasure of Writing

It can happen that when we want to write, we experience a certain pressure, a feeling of duty as a writer, and so we must write.  However, if we can and are able to make writing a pleasure, we eliminate pressure and experience the pleasure of writing. 

To discover the pleasure of writing is easy enough, most times, and when it is not easy, then our creative self is telling us to take a break.  Time out to discover the true writer that we are.

Just like a Play that is scripted well, the main words are dialogue between the characters in the play, yet it is very important to include no words, make room for Silence.

The pleasure of writing is dependent on our honesty, knowing who we are, and what we want to say. Creative writing especially depends on us being able to have fun while we write. We create fictional characters and as best we can give them a history, a life. This is especially important for our Hero, and this wonderful character will need support and encouragement from other characters who have a history and are true to life.

We will love and hate these characters, and enjoy developing them as real people. Imagine the fun it is to be the creator of the lives of our characters.

The pleasure we enjoy in writing will give reality to all that we write about.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


 Some days, we can experience a sense of weakness. It may be physical or mental, yet whatever way we find ourselves weak, there is a need for strength.

St. Paul is known to have said, 'In my weakness, I find my strength.' This can be very encouraging to realise that being weak is not a bad thing. It may well be an invitation to discover our true sense of strength.

Physical weakness is a good example because we find ourselves unable to manage. Our worklist is left aside, and we are forced to take life easy. Of course, this can be a good or a bad situation.  We may have organised our day to fulfill many things, and suddenly we are without strength or motivation.

This is good. We need help. We need someone to help and comfort us in our weak state.  If we are of a spiritual mind, we have an opportunity to realise our need for God's help in our lives.

Without weakness, we can act as a strong, independent person.  We don't need help from others. We may even believe we don't need God's help.  Yet, as soon as we can accept our state of weakness, we will find our strength in those who help us.

We are a social being. We need the support of others. More especially, we need to recognise our need for God.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


In today's World, we have so many choices that we can make, and so much information that is shared to guide us, hopefully in the right direction.

For a spiritual-minded person, it is essential to be guided by an awareness of all that is good in life.  We say we believe in God, yet this in itself can be vague. Who is God?  How do we recognise the Presence of the Creator of the World?  

Perhaps, these questions can be easily answered for the Christian-minded person. We have the life of Christ and the New Testament to inform us, and help us to imitate his teachings.

Each day we can learn more about the Christian life that we live.  The lives of saintly people will give positive testimonals as to how we become more Christ-like.  It makes sense to read up and learn more about who we are meant to be.  

God will never force us in any way, except to encourage us with little 'miracles' that happen every day, if we have eyes to see. 

What a blessing it is to follow the Path of Love, and to become who we truly are, Children of God.


Friday, October 22, 2021


So much is being said at present about Climate Change, frightening in many ways, and yet we are all responsible.  We may not be involved in directly polluting the  Environment, yet think for a moment and remember...  Have I ever thrown away something, without binning it properly?  Am I careful about plastic waste?  Do I concern myself about ECO developments and knowledge?

Being informed is another way to accept responsibility, not just for ourselves, also for all that is happening in the World today.  The knowledge is there for anyone to study and know what is right. Just like the rules of the Road, we can learn to act with respect and concern at all times.  

In a way, we are being asked to look after the Earth for the younger gererations coming after us.  This is real Love, to care for others /  to care for our Planet!

Sunday, October 17, 2021


With so many changes in the world today, one can become 'stuck' and left holding on to anything or anyone that gives a sense of security.  This is a natural response, yet really, not such a good one.

Whatever happens outside our lives, or even within our lives, we have a need to go forward and make new tracks / new adventures / new ways of learning how to be secure and happy with our lives.

One very encouraging way to move forward is to take on new projects that help us to stretch our abilities and learn new ways of dealing with the challenges that come our way.

Say to ourselves,  'It's never too late... '  Whatever inspiration or new thought comes,  value it in a responsible way and simply say, 'I can do it.'  Such a powerful encouraging statement to say,  'It's never too late to begin again.'

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


Foreward thinking is probably another way of being Optimistic, and having a positive mindset for the future to come.

Because of Lockdown we have, in certain ways, become fearful of what the future might have in store for us, and we know that FEAR is deadly.  It imprisons the mind and makes it difficult to move forward.

When we focus on being a foreward thinking person, we leave worry and fear behind, and are able to focus on all the good that can and will be found in our future lives. We become a more creative person, open to inspirations and new happenings. 

A poetic friend said to me, 'Keep looking up - admire the clouds in the sky - and when there is a need to look down, smell the roses!'

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Strength in Weakness

Being unwell is not a familiar state for me. I pride myself on being in good health, yet life can surprise us.  An unexpected 'tummy bug' and I find myself reduced to weakness.

How does one deal with weakness?  A good question to ask as we can find ourselves in a state of weakness in some form or other. It could be a injury, a bereavement, or a simple cold. 

Often, it is the surprise of finding ourselves weak that bowls us over, and so we must learn to deal with whatever comes our way. We need the solace of strength that comes from loving our weakness, knowing that God is helping to mould us into a better and more balanced person.

To find Strength in Weakness is a blessing we receive when we have the insight and wisdom to see God's loving Hand in all that pertains to our lives.  

Friday, September 24, 2021


Saint John, who had been so close to Jesus, had a simple message, 'Love one another...'  He was passing on what Christ had told him, that we are called to love one another as God loves us.

This is a fine message and one that we would love to believe we practise, yet do we? Are we able to embrace one another, without prejudice of any kind?  

This challenge is put before us each day, to live out the message of the Gospel, regardless of how we feel /or think / or personal likings, and which can be so much a part of our personality and way of life.

Of course, God knows we are flawed and often fail.  God loves is unconditional, regardless of how often we move away from His love, it does not change God's love for us..

To become God-like we are called to love one another, just as God loves us,  unconditionally. What a wonderful challenge to face each day, and so become a truly loving person.

Friday, September 17, 2021


It's important to become aware of our peace of mind, and allow this awareness to develop and mature, so we can be strong when adversity comes along.  After all, we are dealing with a flawed nature, both in ourselves and others. Even those we love dearly, will at times provoke our balance of peace.

Also, being challenged in relation to our state of peace is good. We become as a pupil in the school of life, learning to be a better person. We are helped in a positive way to grow spiritually, and our peace will help us to become a truly christian person, open to all the graces that God would love to shower upon us.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 People are often measured by how grateful they can be.  Some of us can have a lot to be grateful for and yet, we could easily slip into seeing what we have not, rather than all we have.

The saying... 'the glass is half-full OR the glass is half empty...' can be a simple measure for us,  especially in small things.  We may develop desires for many things, and lose sight of all that makes us happy.

Looking back on our lives, we can find good examples of how to be grateful, and grow in this wondeful virtue.  My father was a hard-working man, yet gentle in many ways.  Whenever difficuties came up about money, he would say, 'as long as we have food on the table and a place to call home, then there is no need to worry.'

I remember as a child, having a great desire for a bike, yet I knew bikes were expensive. One day my father surprised me with a bike. It was old, second-hand with a black frame and purple mud-guards.  It was a struggle for me to pretend to be happy, because it was not the shiny bike I wanted. 

However, in learning to ride the bike, I had such fun and so I learned to be grateful, and to see that our desires may not come as we would like, yet in being grateful, we gain the gift of gratitude and happiness.

Monday, September 6, 2021


We choose what we love, so it is said. Therefore, it's important to love wisely, so we can choose wisely.

There is a power that comes with the choices we make, and needs to be filtered according to who and what we love. This way, we set a pattern in our minds, and hopefully in our hearts, as to what we want to do with our lives.

God had created us for love, and to be loved.  How wonderful it is when we respond positively to the inspirations we receive.  We are responding to God's Will, and the graces that follow will often astound us.

All of us are created for greatness.  Let's respond with a loving heart.



Tuesday, August 31, 2021


 A Positive Spirit comes about when we give time to what we love, and especially those we love.  Life is meant to be an adventure; using a positive spirit to guide us forward on the path of love.

Believing in God is a wonderful way to realise that we are loved, and that we are loveable.  This God of ours is compassionate and loving and wants us to be like Him in all we are and all we do.

There may be difficulties in life, yet there are always positive solutions to be found. We just need to look for them, to awaken our heart to the inspirations that allow us to become all that God would ask of us.

Our imperfections may cause us to stumble, yet all we need to do is look for a positive solution and apply it.  We are never without God's love for us. It may not appear as we imagined it should. When we take a moment and listen to the little voice within, we will find positive answers to all and everything. 

A positive spirit will always guide us towards Love.

Friday, August 27, 2021


To be courageous is a challenge and yet, a life without a challenge would be very dull and without meaning.  This is why we have such a need to face our fears and difficulties.

The very idea of being a true Christian today is one of courage. We are invited to stand up and be counted, and let the world know that we are dedicated to loving God and all that pertains to Christian values.

We are created by God in His image and likeness.  This is tantamount to being of Royal blood.  In a spiritual content, we are persons of high ideals and are expected to live according to the teachings of Christ.

Of course, we know. if we have any sense at all, how flawed and imperfect we are. We are the children of God and yet, we are also the champions of Love. 

Acting with Courage teaches us to reach towards a life filled with love and respect for all.  Our failings are just there to keep us humble, so we can plod on and continue to be a soldier of Christ!

Monday, August 23, 2021


My favourite waistcoat was falling to pieces.  I loved the comfort of it and the feel of the material, however, a good friend advised me to 'let it go', preferably into the bin!

It was replaced with a new, more 'up-to-date' jacket, which received many compliments. I was glad to have taken on board my friend's good advice. Already, I began to feel more smart and youthful.  My baggy 'old lady' look was gone.

This made me realise how important it is to listen to others, and more importantly, to act on good advise, freely given.  Also, we can be our own worst enemy as regards what is good for us. We need outside encouragement. How we see the world at large may well be tainted by our weaknesses and shortcomings.

If this is the case in relation to our 'exterior person', how much more will it be in relation to our 'interior person'.  What we read impounds on our outlook on life, so if we give time to read about people who truly love God; good-minded people who live by their true and honest nature, our lives will be changed for the better.

Listen well to all they have to say. Their wisdom and insight will impact on our lives and help us to become a person with a New Look, a Godly one.

Friday, August 20, 2021


Acceptance is a way of agreeing with something or someone.  We may still hold on to our own opinion or way of looking at life, and yet, accept with a good heart.

I ask myself, why is acceptance so important?  The answer is simple. When we are open to accepting what might be said to us, or asked from us, we open ourselves to the beliefs and opinions of another person.  The natural barriers that exist between people is broken down and unity follows.

Acceptance does not mean we give up our own beliefs, it simply allows us to understand where other people might be coming from.  We broaden our minds and hearts and we learn how to listen well.  

Imagine what a wonderful place the world would be if acceptance was fostered, regardless of our understanding.  When Christ walked on the Earth, people came from everywhere to listen to what he had to say. Many did not understand, and yet, they willingly accepted that he spoke with authority.  He made no demands, yet shared the wisdom of love to all.

We can do likewise by accepting others and also, sharing who we are with them.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021


It's quite an art to be commited to what we love, and give time to it. If we are a writer, then there is a need to make a commitment, and write every day.

This is my conviction, but not always my action. Pity, and yet, just by writing about writing can and is an encouragement to write!

When the first Lockdown was enforced, I felt a certain excitement in myself, an awareness that now I could actually be faithful to my calling as a writer. 

I'm impressed and glad for all the writings that I managed to do, and surprised myself with a certain newness in my writing patterns.

By the end of Y2020, I found myself struggling to write each day as I had promised myself to do. There was always a list of reasons why, and now I see they were only  excuses.

Am I writer?  Do I write?  When I'm able to say YES, then I know I am living up to my commitment as a writer.

At present, the Olympics are being broadcast, and we are being presented with people from all walks of life who are dedicated to their 'craft'.  This is a wonderful inspiration for all of us.  If we truly believe we are writers, then let's put pen to paper and write!

Friday, July 30, 2021

The Gift of Life!

There are times when life seems to be at a stand-still.  We are waiting for something to happen.  Forget it. Life does not stop simply because we are not tuned in. 

This is a good time to reassess ourselves and examine out goals in life. Are we aware of the Gift of Life?  Have we remembered to count our blessings?  Is there someone we can connect with positively, and move forward in our relationship?

When we wake up, first thing in the morning and look out at the dawning of a new day, a moment of reflection will help us to become aware of just what is happening; we are receiving the Gift of Life!

Thank You, God!

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Counting our Blessings...

Counting our Blessings is a good habit to have, especially in the evenings as we prepare to say goodnight and welcome, end of day. Perhaps we might dwell on plans we have for a new day and prepare ourselves to embrace all that might come our way, God willing.

On reflection, we may be surprised to realize just how many blessings we receive and become aware of the generosity of God, looking out for each one of us, the way a loving Father looks after His children.

Also, it's a wonderful positive action before we fall asleep to have our mind and heart filled with the countless blessings that come our way.  This will fill us with a spirit of gratitude and welcome for a new day, full of the spirit of God.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021


Dealing with the 'unfamiliar' is a challenge and also, an invitation to step outside our comfort zone, and reach out to something NEW1

Of course, it will be a different experience, and may even prod us to take new steps in our lives, leaving the past behind and reaching out for a new future.

Lately, my experience of something 'unfamiliar' began with a film about a man in his seventies who was diagnosed with ALZHEIMER'S disease, which causes one to be confused and forgetful. It can be mild at first, then progresses, leaving one with the inability to recognize family and friends and places. Some people can become like a child, needing constant help and attention.

Suddenly, I became aware of my own loss of memory at times, in relation to names and places...  could this be related to Alzheimer?  Should I worry about it?

That's when the 'Light' turned on, and I know now that although becoming older can have disadvantages, there are many, many blessings.

The 'unfamiliar' is simply an invitation to grow mentally and spiritually.  How boring life would be, without an adventure of learning new things and new awareness of ourselves as we mature with age and grace.


Sunday, June 27, 2021


Being grateful is such a blessing.  We all get opportunities to show gratitude and yet, to have a grateful heart is something special.  It shows how much we recognize God's love for us.

Faith reveals to us the truth that God is Love.  Developing a heartfelt gratitude towards God and others, helps us to be open to love and able to show our gratitude for all the love that we receive.

The example of a small child comes to mind...  Parents love their child and are willing and able to look after this 'little person'. They are so grateful for the gift of having a child.  However, the child can be bold and even complain and be ungrateful for all the love and care that they are receiving. They may even want what is not good for them to have. 

We can be like that with God.  With limited faith, we may not realize how much we are loved and cared for, and begin to complain about what we don't have etc.

A grateful heart is one that we foster and develop by growing in awareness of just how much we are loved, each day of our lives.  We realize we could never thank God enough for all that we receive, directly and indirectly. And, to know, there is no limit to how much God loves us.   

Saturday, June 12, 2021


 It was an eventful occasion as we celebrated our return to Creative Writing Sessions!  I was joined by Colette and Mary, and we had a great time, sharing our writings and good thoughts. The venue, SOL Balcony proved a winner, and now I look forward to our next Session, taking Pen to Paper in July!

Perhaps, the secret of knowing oneself is to write about the memories that lie stored in the greatest computer of all, the human Mind.  It can be astonishing to find stories and events deep within ourselves, and only when we begin to write and put pen to paper do we realize all these hidden treasures, almost without limits.

When you think of the books contained in a Library, and how many writers that exist, it gives us an idea of all that is stored away, in each person, waiting to be shared and revealed to the World.

The best and most famous story-teller is found in the life of Christ. He had the mind of God and yet, it was through stories that he shared his wisdom and knowledge. If we want to share our stories with others, take the example of Christ and make them understandable and interesting for others. 

Let's become great story-tellers!

Wednesday, June 9, 2021


My interest is in Creative Writing; the ability to put pen to paper and write about the thoughts that fill my mind.  The easy part of writing is just to do it. The hard part is when we become critical about what we have written.  Is it good, worth sharing OR is it just for the bin!

All Creativity depends on a belief in ourselves and a willingness to follow the inspirations that come.  If we are a person of Faith, then we can give God credit for the wonderful thoughts that we receive.  This is a big plus in giving time and energy to what we pertain to be important

Perhaps, this is the biggest challenge in being faithful to our Creative Self.  We need to have confidence in our inspirations and our ability to follow suit. 

When it comes to writing, put pen to paper, write it down / leave it for awhile, then allow the 'critic' to redraft.  Enjoy being surprised at the outcome.


Thursday, June 3, 2021

Beautiful Wicklow!

Just looking outside my window as evening comes slowly, and we say goodbye to a lovely day. 

Lately, my thoughts have been on a holiday trip, somewhere in Ireland, near the sea and town and a place to swim.  Now, I look around and find this is where I live, in beautiful Wicklow town.

Also, a short trip will take me to Glendalough, a place of beauty and mystery. This became the home of Saint Kevin, whose feast day we celebrate today.

And, this is only a small idea of just how beautiful Wicklow truly is; called the Garden of Ireland.

Saturday, May 22, 2021


Whenever we have the gift of being in Good Company, we will find ourselves liberated and able to have courage to do many things we might never do alone.

We are so affected by our environment / our upbringing/ our education.  We become part of what we know and believe to be right.

However, as we develop as a person, we may need to stand alone, out of respect for what we believe to be true.  Just like the saints of old; their Faith was so strong that they could not deny the Truth, and they were willing to die for love of God.

We may not be asked to become a Hero or a Saint, yet each day we are obliged to live according to our Faith. Being in Good Company will offer us support and encouragement to be true to ourselves.

'Where two or more are gathered together in My Name, there I am  in their midst.'


Monday, May 17, 2021


 The Christian Message is all about Love.  We are commanded to Love One Another as Christ loves us.  A very positive and inspiring command, yet not always easy to put into practice. 

Perhaps the challenge lies mostly in our love for ourselves.  This may be positive, because if we cannot love ourselves, then it will be difficult for us to learn to love others.

However, in practice, loving ourselves can lead on to a certain worship of a faulty creature who is already flawed with weaknesses.  This is not God's intention.

The person who loves themselves truly, will be honest / brave / unselfish in the true sense.  This person would be a saint!  

Well, I for one, know I am not a saint.  I can and will try to attain this honorable  state of being, and in doing so will realize that when I care for and love others, I learn to be true to myself and hopefully learn to follow the examples of the saints.

Such a happy challenge, to put LOVE first. We have no right to feel bad about others, or ourselves.  We are made in the image and likeness of God.  Imagine that.

Love and then Love will become our best Teacher.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


Being strong and able to face the challenges that come our way, is good.  We are in a state of grace and able to respond to the inspirations that God sends us. In a way, we can feel on top of the World!

However, when we are feeling weak and unable to respond to grace, we are left in a state of weakness.  What might have seemed easy at one time, now becomes a challenge for us. We need help.

Being weak does not agree with our natural state and so, we can feel discouraged.  All the positive things we were able to do before, now seem impossible.  Our spirits are low, yet deep within we realize that it may simply be a natural state.  We need a rest, or a walk near the sea.  What is most important is to give no attention to how we feel.

Feelings take us UP and DOWN.  Some days we are able to do the most heroic actions.  Next day, we are like a child who needs a mother to guide and help us.

This is the most positive side to being WEAK.  We can simply ask our blessed Mother Mary, to help us.  She doesn't need to be asked twice.  As soon as we know and confirm our state of weakness, Mary will be beside us, helping us to be the best that we can be.

When we are WEAK, then we are STRONG, because the whole of Heaven and especially our blessed Mother will come to  our aid.  We just have to acknowledge how weak we are and have the courage and good sense to ask for help!


Thursday, May 6, 2021


 The word RESILIENCE means to 'jump back', to recover quickly from trouble or illness; a good word for us coming away from our pandemic world of fear and worry and uncertainty of what the future has to offer.

We can be like children, looking for comfort in the freedom we hope to have.  Most of us will enjoy the simple pleasures of meeting up with friends and the luxury of sitting down to share a coffee and a chat.

For myself, a trip to Glendalough was a pure delight. We were blessed with sunshine, The place was filled with families, enjoying the monastic city as if it was a giant playground!

This was a great example for me to see how resilient families with small children have adapted to a new way of life.  The place was a 'picnic' haven with most people using the picnic benches and tables, and others relaxing on the grass with plenty of room to have their family 'bubble' and still meet friends in an atmosphere of playful enjoyment.

I enjoyed the board walk which led down to God's Cottage where one can enjoy quiet meditation in the little Chapel, and buy cards and books in the shop. Such a good lesson to see how simple life can be, with the addition of a takeway coffee or ice-cream!

Sunday, April 25, 2021


Today was special, a trip to Glendalough in our camper; a first trip outside the 5km and even more special, a day of sunshine! 

Such a wonderful place. Already, several cars packed with families were there ahead of us, and still coming. It was good to be there. God's Cottage was open for quiet meditation and with lovely cards.

My feet feel tired from walking, and my mind is full of happy inspirations. I do believe that the spirit of Saint Kevin and his monks remain in Glendalough, prompting us to appreciate the Goodness of God in the beautiful lakes and countryside.

Perhaps, this will always be the case where holy and prayerful people like Saint Kevin, leave their imprint on the places where they lived.  I'm looking forward to my next trip to Glendalough!

Thursday, April 22, 2021


 The most important treasure we can possess is Inner Peace. 

This is a challenge because we can so easily lose our sense of peace and wellbeing, sometimes through no fault of our own;  sometimes the fault is definitely ours.

There is a story of a painting that was discarded and put up into an attic. It just didn't blend in with the Library room where it had been hanging for years, so the younger generation who took over this fine house, put the painting out of sight.  

Later on, the attic itself needed a good clean out and the painting was found. One member of the family liked it and so it became their possession. It turned out to be famous, and worth millions.  (Can you guess?)

Our inner peace can be like that. If it is not prized as the gift it is, we can lose it and forget how valuable our inner peace truly is, a treasure that money could never buy.

The person who values Inner Peace will be rewarded with Wisdom and Knowledge of the finer and more subtle gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Without even knowing it, they will be guided through life with a profound awareness of the Presence of God. They will become God-like.  With Humility they will guard this Gift forever.



Thursday, April 15, 2021


 Now that our major lockdown has re-opened, at least partially, we may find ourselves impatient to become more free / more able to travel and make plans for the future.

It's good to make plans, yet can also be a little dangerous.  As soon as we become impatient about what we want to do, we open ourselves to disappointments and failure.

In truth, lockdown has taught us a lot about being patient and to look on the bright side of life.  Small examples bring this to mind, sitting on a bench sharing a coffee with a friend and having a good chat, keeping social distance in mind.

Sitting out in our garden on a sunny day and relaxing, with closed eyes we might just as well be in an exotic place.  What we cannot do bodily, our mind and imagination is free to do.

Will we still remember to make that daily call to an older friend or neighbour / offer to shop for them / send a get-well card?  Say a prayer for those in need, mentally and physically?  So many acts of kindness are taking place which creates a wonderful atmosphere of friendship.  

We can be joyful about our extended freedom, and still continue to be patient with all that is taking place in this wonderful world of ours.

Friday, April 9, 2021


The word, COMPASSION could well be out of date and yet, true compassion is expressed a lot in everyday life. It happens when one who is strong is able to bow down and care for someone who is weak.

I had an experience a long time ago. I was in Dublin meeting my sisters and the three of us were sauntering down O'Connell street. This was a special occasion as my sister Mairead, only comes home on holiday every three years.  We were determined to make the most of our time together, full of chat and laughter.

That's when I noticed the young girl, sitting on the pavement outside a shop.  How old was she I wondered; more importantly why was she begging?  Of course, Mairead, who has a big heart, was the first to offer her money.  I was searching for small change, when two women came along...  ' Don't give her anything.  Look at her, she has a cigarette in her mouth, and you are only encouraging her to beg.' 

Tears began to roll down the young girl's face, ' A friend gave me the cigarette...'  She was being judged, without evidence of any kind.  She didn't need to be humiliated.  She needed compassion.  

Years ago, in our younger and more adventurous years, we went on what was called the QUEST.  The idea was to go, two by two, and travel from Dublin to Copenhagen, without funds of any kind, like the pilgrims of old. This meant begging for our fares and a place to stay!   It was mad / it was terrifying / it was an adventure we will never forget.  At times, we were spoiled; other times hungry and wishing we had stayed at home.  

For me, one of the great lessons was to realize that nobody begs for the fun of it. It is humbling and puts oneself at the kindness and mercy of others. And, a great way to learn the value of Compassion. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021


 'Fear not, I am with you always...'

Such comforting words, to know that we are never alone. We have God's love with us everyday and everything we do.

Perhaps, the secret of believing this is true is found in our ability to recognize all the ways in our lives where we are supported and encouraged by others.

Of course, our Faith teaches us to know and believe in how much God loves us, yet we may easily forget, or not recognize His love coming to us, through others.

This can be a wonderful practice, to become aware of all the many little, or big happenings in our lives, and see how Love comes our way.

Also, this is a good encouragement for us to become an instrument of Love!


Saturday, April 3, 2021


 When we say a person has great passion / great interest in what they do , it means the person is willing and able to give ALL!  There is no holding back.

In relation to the Passion of Christ, we are presented with a Man who gave ALL in responding to God's Will.  The fact that Christ is the Son of God makes it even more terrible, both for Christ the Son and God the Father.

These are mysteries that may not be fully understood. The Passion of Christ is beyond understanding and yet, as limited human beings, we understand the enormous sacrifice to give ALL.  Perhaps, we can begin to understand God's love for us, when we ourselves are willing to give ALL in response to our calling to love God.

Love demands ALL.  When we respond to the Call of Love, in a limited way, we experience the tremendous Love that God has for us.

Saturday, March 27, 2021


The gift of a good friend is something to be treasured always.  And especially, the ability to be a good friend puts life and meaning into our lives.

Of course, the true value of friendship begins with our spiritual self and the efforts we make to develop our relationship with God, our Father.

This can help us to have the right disposition when we are making efforts to be a good friend with another.  Do we just act as our natural self, or do we allow our spiritual self, which is encompassed with virtues of faith, hope and charity to become uppermost in the efforts we make to be a true friend?

The more aware we are of our spiritual self and our relationship with God, our Father, the more enriched we become with love and patience and kindness.  We become a true child of God and allow His love to shine through us.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Feast of our Lady

 Whenever we admire and love someone, we want to express ourselves and let them know that we care.  In this way, our feelings and love will develop and grow.

Our Lady may not be known to everybody, yet those who have the good fortune to know and experience her love, will want to admire and celebrate her special days.  Tomorrow, 25th March is such a day.

A mother's love is special, and when it is the Mother of God who is showing her love for us, then we are moved and want to express our love for her.

Love demands a response, a positive acknowledgement of how we are moved by love, and want to reciprocate the joy of love itself.

Thursday, March 18, 2021


We celebrate the Feast of Saint Patrick on the 17th March each year; a quiet display this year because of Covid-19, yet wonderful virtual displays to show we remember.

And a good question to ask ourselves, what do we remember?  Is it a story of a young man who was a slave, managed to escape and return to his home. Then later, inspired by God to return to Ireland and share his Faith with us, or is it more?

These days, with no public Mass being celebrated, and a virus pandemic keeping us at distance from each other, our need for our Faith is at a crisis point. Perhaps, more than ever, we begin to realize our desperate need for spiritual encouragement.

What can we do to regain the Faith of our Fathers?  Saint Patrick has done his job for Ireland, now what can we do?  What can I do?  If one truly believes in the gift of Faith received, then the answer is to share our Faith in everyway we can. 

How we think / how we speak / how we write / how we act / to become like Patrick, a person willing and able to share the gift of Faith!

Thursday, March 11, 2021


  1.  History presents us with many stories of women of great qualities and courage.  They were willing to stand out above the norm and respond to their voice,, guiding and prompting them to speak out for Truth and Liberty.
  2. Countess Markievicz comes to mind.  She was an aristocrat, well educated and in a position where she could live a life of ease.  Why bother with the pains and woes of others?  She made her choice to stand with the Freedom fighters of Ireland, which almost cost her death; subjected to imprisonment and degraded for stepping out of line. A true hero.
  3. Then we have in bygone days, Saint Brigid, another woman who cared for her people and worked to establish a spiritual and caring future for the people of Ireland.
  4. These great ladies enthrall me, and yet the woman that I am thinking of with heartfelt love and gratitude is my mother, who worked hard to provide a comfortable home for her husband and eight children.
  5. I only really got to know her as a person, when she became ill and had to spend time in hospital. I was young and my thoughts were centered on why did she have to stay away from us?  Surely, the doctors could make her well again?
  6. Her journey through pain made me realize how difficult it was for her, saying  goodbye to us when we came to visit and hiding her tears.
  7. What a joy when she came home again. I learned to appreciate and believe that a mother's love is the best love in the whole world.


Wednesday, March 10, 2021


 The power of Motivation is an amazing encouragement.  Once we feel motivated to do something, we step away from our fears and insecurities.  We can and we will succeed.

It is a good thing to know how to become motivated, and recognize the barriers that might prevent us from being true to ourselves, and follow our dreams.

For me, the lives of the Saints and People of Vision help me to see beyond myself, and to aim at stretching whatever talents I believe I have.

Perhaps a good guideline can be found in asking the question:  What do I want to do, to achieve, to move forward in life?

If we have a talent for something, whatever it might be, put it on the top of our List! This will motivate us, and no worries.  We may not be able to succeed, or become a Rocket Scientist, yet can always reach for the Stars!

Friday, March 5, 2021


 Being vulnerable is not a choice one would make with deliberation, and yet each time we allow ourselves to love, we become vulnerable; open to being hurt. 

We open our heart to someone we care about, and enter into their world. This is a wonderful thing to do, to share our inner self with another.  However, take care.

How we look at life can be different to how others see things. Dialogue and patience is needed so we can learn to understand and grow in love.

This is what courtship is all about, learning to be comfortable in another person's world. We are so unique, each one of us, with the ability to become compatible with another, and to learn the greatest of all lessons, the ability to love.

Friday, February 26, 2021


 We live in a World of activity and creativity, which is wonderful and enjoyable. Each one of us will be guided by our interests to develop ourselves, according to whatever talents we possess.

Of course, we will be adventurous at times, and maybe even surprise ourselves at the knowledge that comes our way, especially in our younger years.

As we grow older and hopefully wiser, especially as regards our purpose in life, we develop spiritually.  Our belief in the Presence of God becomes a guiding Light in our lives.

This is a wonderful state to find ourselves in, yet, not without a price.  If our awareness of God is to grow, we must become less in our own eyes.

A simple solution, provided we love to be weak.  When we develop a love for weakness, God will be our strength! 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


At certain times in our lives, difficulties come. Perhaps because of our limited ability to understand the comings and goings of others, or because we depend on help from others, which doesn't come, at least not in the way we expected.

In truth, it is our own weaknesses and shortcomings that trip us up!

All of these challenges, unexpected or expected, help us to make a choice,  do I want to look UP or DOWN?  There is such power in our ability to choose.

Being an UP person I can choose to be positive and see the benefit of adverse challenges.  This is my PLUS!  After all, who wants to be DOWN?

We are created for GREATNESS! 

Sunday, February 14, 2021


Today is Saint Valentine's Day, a very special day for sending cards and messages to those we care about.  Of course, it has become a commercial day for card shops and yet, it is such a lovely gesture to put in writing what one feels in their heart.

Especially now, with lockdown, there are so many people who crave for a chance to meet up with friends and re-unite their friendships.  Perhaps for those who feel settled in a good relationship, the need might not be too strong.  However, go ahead, be a fool for love!

So, to all those I know and to all those I don't know, and to the world at large, I wish you a bright ( don't mind the weather) and happy Valentine's Day! 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021


It can be a wonderful encouragement to read about a Saintly person, someone who was always willing to go the extra mile, and give even when it hurts.

Perhaps, in today's world, we meet such people, and we don't call them saints and yet, they are so loving and caring, and able and willing to help, when help is needed.

This got me thinking about the idea of sainthood, and how acceptable it would be to become a saint. No talk of halos or spiritual images, just a wonderful common sense to know how to care for others, and show the world that goodness and love will always triumph!

We are shortly coming into Valentine's day, and already the shops are full of cards decorated with beautiful red hearts, and messages of love, and who wouldn't want to receive a Valentine card? Emotionally, we love to be loved.

On another thought, there are teams of people, nurses and doctors showing the very best kind of love by saving lives. Perhaps we could send them Valentine cards?

Love is so wonderful, not dependent on emotions or feelings, yet totally open to caring for others.