Sunday, July 5, 2020


Children love surprises and I guess we all do, depending on what the surprises are.
Covid-19 was a big surprise and still is.  We find ourselves uncomfortable with people, even family and are cautioned to keep a safe distance at all times.
Living in Community has made this easy for me. We don't go around hugging each other as our friendship is based on our 'inner us' where we are an encouragement to each other and promote positive thinking and speaking.
Where God is concerned, all persons belong to His family and He regards us as brothers and sisters, with a commandment to love one another as God loves us.
Now where does Surprises come into the picture?
Well, a loving father will love to surprise his children and God is no different. In fact, the love a father has for his family is based on God's compassionate love for us.
If we love surprises, then let us allow God to surprise us.  We may not always like the surprises that come our way, yet we can be confident they will be the very best and most essential surprises we could imagine, coming from Perfect Love

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