Sunday, July 26, 2020


In the climate that we are experiencing in relation to Covid-19, it's almost impossible to be free from fear.
The danger of contamination is so scary and hard to tackle without making mistakes or becoming too permissive and not caring enough.
We are mostly guided by what we can see and touch and feel a concrete awareness of the battle we are fighting, yet because it is an invisible enemy, we can run away by pretending we don't care.
This will never work in relation to ridding ourselves of fear.
Although many fears are fabricated in our minds, with a virus and the knowledge that people are dying, it would be nonsense to ignore the dangers we are facing.  Fear and fears of any kind must be addressed and a solution found so we can regain freedom and a healthy good will.
God loves us, so He is not testing us, simply giving us opportunities to choose love and banish fear.
Can we do that?  I believe we can.
What rids us of fear is a positive spirit and a caring heart towards others.
We are not alone in this wonderful, yet scary world of ours.
The more we care for others, the more care we will take in finding positive solutions to all that might be a danger to ourselves or others.
Being of a spiritual mind is a God send.  This allows us to recognize God's love in even the most awkward situations.
Be positive and fear will disappear.  Be loving and we will be fulfilled!

Friday, July 10, 2020


When Covid-19 made a rude appearance in our country, we were faced with a certain fear and almost an awareness of something evil.
Our lives were being invaded by an enemy and in certain ways we could feel powerless to fight this enemy because it was invisible.
However, the powers that be were able to access the danger and work out ways that we could protect ourselves.
There would be sacrifices and the main one at first seemed to be keeping away from each other.  Where normally a kind greeting could and would be made with a hug and close contact, now that had to be forfeited.
Instructions were given and we were strongly advised to adhere to all recommendations, especially the washing of hands and careful hygiene methods.
Masks and gloves were introduced and caused more distance between people.
Two meters apart became a law to be obeyed and the worst of all, the knowledge that this unseen enemy was targeting older people, those more vulnerable and likely to become ill and even die.
I'm so grateful to the Irish people for stepping up to the mark and paying attention to all the recommendation made so those who are the weakest in the country can be protected.
In a way, this is the Christian message, to love one another and there are so many examples of this love, even to the heroic, through the Frontline workers and many, many people who have made it their business to look out for and help elderly persons in the community.
Perhaps, for each one of us, the call has been to go 'inward' and develop our relationship with our Creator; to recognize our need for God and learn to be at peace with ourselves.
A universal Retreat is taking place to help us to become more aware of what is important in life; to love and to be happy and free from stress.
There's no need to go back to how things used to be.  We are being invited to make a new beginning !

Monday, July 6, 2020


Wisdom is found where truth and simplicity live..
It's easy to be wise when one knows the right thing to do, yet often we don't know and so we need to be wise.. 
It's like what people say...  no point in closing the gate, after the horse has bolted!
Perhaps this is true and yet, so much wisdom is gained by our mistakes and failings.  When we fail, we can be upset and feel bad about ourselves...
This might be a normal response, yet not a healthy or wise decision.
A wise choice is to be glad and realize that our failures are lessons, teaching us how to become a better and wiser person.
After all, we are not perfect, yet are encouraged to become perfect in who we are and what we do.
A wise person will be able to learn quickly from failures and mistakes and regard them as a 'teacher'  teaching one how to become a perfected being.
A spiritual-minded person will be able to see God's Hand in all that comes their way and realize that God's compassionate love is to be found in the good use one makes of failure.
Such wisdom is gained when we love our weaknesses and are open to learn from every failing that come our way.

Sunday, July 5, 2020


Children love surprises and I guess we all do, depending on what the surprises are.
Covid-19 was a big surprise and still is.  We find ourselves uncomfortable with people, even family and are cautioned to keep a safe distance at all times.
Living in Community has made this easy for me. We don't go around hugging each other as our friendship is based on our 'inner us' where we are an encouragement to each other and promote positive thinking and speaking.
Where God is concerned, all persons belong to His family and He regards us as brothers and sisters, with a commandment to love one another as God loves us.
Now where does Surprises come into the picture?
Well, a loving father will love to surprise his children and God is no different. In fact, the love a father has for his family is based on God's compassionate love for us.
If we love surprises, then let us allow God to surprise us.  We may not always like the surprises that come our way, yet we can be confident they will be the very best and most essential surprises we could imagine, coming from Perfect Love