Wednesday, April 22, 2020


In this crazy Covid 19 world scare, we can become afraid to step out and offer help to neighbours and friends too.
The social-distance requirement prevents us from giving a hug or sitting down to have a cuppa and chat with a good friend, yet there is so much more we can do.
Prayer comes to mind, especially when told of a friend on a ventilator, alone in Hospital.  When unable to reach out physically, we can reach out spiritually.
My brother Thomas, living alone in Dublin, is learning to tackle his fears about the virus.  His life has become more happy and able to manage because of good neighbours who shop for him and help out in many different ways, without infringing on social-distance requirement.
He would be lost without their support and there are many like him.
So, where ever we can, reach out and give a helping hand!

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