Monday, April 27, 2020


The most valuable commodity that we can possess is friendship.
We may be poor or rich / intelligent or slow-learner / religious or not, the one gift to value is a good friend.
Of ourselves we cannot manufacture friendship / we cannot make someone be our friend, yet by the positive efforts we make, we can become a good friend and others will want to be friends with us.
The whole World is crying out for friendship.  Whatever effort we can make to allow this to happen, please let's do so.
When it comes to our spiritual journey in this life, the very best friend to have is Jesus.  Ponder on this for a moment and reflect on the life of Christ.
If someone can love us so much as to die for us, then can there be a higher love than that?
My Jesus, I love You.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


In this crazy Covid 19 world scare, we can become afraid to step out and offer help to neighbours and friends too.
The social-distance requirement prevents us from giving a hug or sitting down to have a cuppa and chat with a good friend, yet there is so much more we can do.
Prayer comes to mind, especially when told of a friend on a ventilator, alone in Hospital.  When unable to reach out physically, we can reach out spiritually.
My brother Thomas, living alone in Dublin, is learning to tackle his fears about the virus.  His life has become more happy and able to manage because of good neighbours who shop for him and help out in many different ways, without infringing on social-distance requirement.
He would be lost without their support and there are many like him.
So, where ever we can, reach out and give a helping hand!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Today we renewed our Vow of the Positive, promising that we will always see God 's goodness in all that pertains to us and the world at large.
A huge commitment and yet, such a great way to be free from negative thinking or being involved with any kind of negative discussion which will not lead to an awareness of God's love for us.
If we could only realize how insignificant we are compared to the great Universe and yet, Faith teaches us to believe that God loves each one of us individually.
Our minds may not be able to grasp this Truth and yet, once we can and do, we will be free to allow God's love to guide us and prompt us in how we live our lives and teach us how to love one another.
Most important, we learn to respond to God's love for us.

Saturday, April 11, 2020


We learn from our Faith and also through events in our lives that Prayer is Powerful.  As soon as we sincerely speak to God from our heart, we are refreshed and made more complete.
The effort to give time to pray and to build up a loving relationship with our Creator is part of being fulfilled as a person.
We could look at the relationship we have with a person we care about and see how important it is to chat together and have time for each other.
Well, our relationship with God is just the same, to talk to God and listen to the inspirations that come when God speaks to us.
All this takes time and a genuine belief on our part to know that we are loved by God, a love beyond our understanding and so we learn to value the gift of Faith.