Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year's Day 2020

A New Year begins today and so many resolutions will be made and hopefully fulfilled in the coming weeks and months to come.
I find for myself the best way to deal with new resolutions is to keep the list short.  Pick out major points that would make a good impact on my life now.
Very important too to create new avenues of ways to practice these good intentions.  Like any job that needs to be done well, preparation is tops!
So, where do I begin?
What 'passion' is driving me at this precise time?
Am I willing to pay a price, especially time-wise,  to achieve my aim?
Well, simplicity is good.
A prayerful beginning will set the tone and diligence in picking the right time, each day and then allow for a day off to relieve the buildup of pressure.
For  me, being regular about what I aim to do,  putting pen to paper and allowing time for creative writing.  Will it be morning or afternoon or evening?
Am I a morning person ( I am) then a quality time set aside for writing will work.
The encouragement that comes from doing this is wonderful.
Now, my enthusiasm is set in motion and my belief system is primed...

I am writer.  I commit to writing and I will enjoy the fruits of my labour!

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