Friday, March 8, 2019


Whenever I need encouragement, Gratitude comes to mind. 
I search for something to be grateful for and before I know it, I'm filled with encouraging thoughts and ideas.
How does it work?
Very simple; whatever we dwell on, we become.
When I'm able to see the good side to life, then I become a  positive and happy person. The opposite happens if I dwell on anything negative.
Therefore, the practice of being grateful is both simple and full of wisdom.
Another help can be a time factor of listing all the things I can be grateful for.
For example, I'll now begin a list of things to be grateful for:

Living in a happy and positive community
Good friends
Good family members
Ability to write, creatively
Ability to work and be useful
Looking at a good, inspiring film
The power of prayer in my life
Understanding the value of weakness
My relationship with God
Above all, the gift of Faith.

Ten good reasons for being grateful and more to come!

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