Tuesday, March 27, 2018


We are told, 'Forgive and you will be forgiven..'
This is good advice and yet, what happens if we don't know that we need forgiveness?
Perhaps a lot happens in our lives and we may not even be aware of  our faults and failings.
Our unawareness does not excuse us and yet we know that we are forgiven.
Christ, in agony on the Cross, said  'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.'
The key to forgiveness would seem to lie in our growing awareness of how much we are forgiven.
Then we are able and willing to forgive others.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Give it all you've got!

Whenever we do something, we have a choice to give it all we've got, or not!
What brought this to mind with me was my attempt to clean the windows, a job I like to do and enjoy the result.
With limited time, I decided to take a few short cuts, work more quickly and stretch instead of using a ladder.  The result was okay, but not great.
A lesson learned, I hope.  
When it comes to do anything, we can decide to give it all we've got!
I guess, this applies to all walks of life, especially when it comes to our spiritual life.
If we decide to give time to prayer or meditation, we can choose to give it our full attention, and
give it all we've got!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Saint Patrick...

Today is Saint Patrick's day, 17th March and a special day here in Ireland and so many places all over the world where Irish people live.
I watched the Parade taking place in Dublin and was impressed with the bright colours and talents of all the people who took part, especially on such a cold, wintry day.
Yet, a part of me was sad....  This day is celebrating a man who helped to bring the Faith to Ireland many years ago.  He was brave, coming back to a country where he had been treated as a slave.
It was his love for the Irish people that prompted him to dedicate his life, sharing his Faith and his love for God with us.
Strange, at the Parade, no mention of Patrick the Saint...  
I wonder have we forgotten to be grateful for the gift of Faith.
Do we still value this Gift?

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


'In Wisdom You have made them all...'
A line from the book of Psalms which tells us that God has created us in Wisdom and with Wisdom,
a great knowledge to know and believe in.
In our lives there are many decisions and choices to make and when we are 'connected' to this wonderful gift of wisdom then we will and do make the right choices.
There is a childhood prayer that also comes to mind...
'Come Oh Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful...'
We are surrounded by a spiritual world of willing helpers, it would it foolish not to avail of the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit!

Saturday, March 3, 2018


After being confined indoors for the past few days, thanks to Storm Emma, the whole concept of freedom comes to mind.
Freedom is the ability to go forward with our lives, depending on health of mind and body.
We gain an awareness of the value of freedom when we feel unable to do what we would like, especially when the forces of nature seem to imprison us.
All this is true and yet freedom is the ability to be true to ourselves and our beliefs.
Here in Ireland we have the freedom to follow our Faith and be true to our beliefs.
God doesn't over-burden us with commands that we cannot practise.
The greatest commandment of all is to Love one another.
We have the freedom and the ability to love.  All we need to do is put it into practise.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Blanket of Snow

Today is 2nd March 2018 and Wicklow is covered with a blanket of Snow!
Code red alert to all the country and a constant blizzard as the falling snow is pushed forward in an easterly direction, just as the Weather people say.
Beautiful to look at and to admire the 'lace' curtains on the outside of the windows as we sit in the comfort of our home.
Such a delight to be warm and yet free to admire the force of nature, with constant snow falling.
I wonder how it must have been for people years ago who had to travel in the snow just to survive.
Perhaps we have become a 'soft' nation, used to our comforts and having a warm place to live.
And yet, what are children looking for?  Sleighs so they can get out in the snow and have fun!
The child in each one of us is looking forward to dress up in wellies and raincoats and enjoy this strange and beautiful weather.
 Keep warm and keep happy and a big thank you to our Divine Provider.
