Monday, January 2, 2017


I wonder do we 'create' friends through our desires and interests?
Perhaps we do and yet, I believe there is a spiritual aspect to all friendships.
We have our natural side and we have our spiritual side, all mixed up together like body and soul.
The spiritual awareness in us that is drawn to others is of great importance for our happiness and well being. We are given a friend who cares for us and we care for them in a special way.
In a natural sense we could be like 'cheese and chalk' and yet we could be closer because our spiritual self is alive and well, guided by our shared interests.
I often think about the saints and how it was for them.  Many of them had good friends who supported them in their desire to love God and become a more loving person.
When we find ourselves in the company of those who inspire us to be a better and more loving person, then we have truly found friendship and perhaps a singular friend who will become our soul-mate.

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