Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Tonight, 20th December 2016, I will attend the Sacrament of Reconciliation in our local Church,
St. Patrick's in Wicklow town.
This is a new word for me, reconciliation.  What does it imply?
Does it mean to reconcile oneself and to whom?
The answer that comes to me is a simple one and I hope it makes sense to others.
If I have offended or hurt someone, then I need to make up with them, to recognise the wrong I have done and make amends.
When it comes to the Sacrament of Reconciliation then I am facing my God who loves me and I will try as best I can to be reconciled with Him.
It means facing my wrong-doing, whether I have done something wrong OR failed to do something right that was in my power to do and I neglected to do it.
I believe my God is compassionate and loving and more than willing to help me to be free from guilt.
This Sacrament is such a blessing.  I can 'confess' and face the truth about myself and then walk away a free person, able and willing to continue again in my love for God and my awareness of God's love for me.

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